
How Britain is banking on boosters to ride the omicron wave

Hans van Leeuwen
Hans van LeeuwenEurope correspondent

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London | In omicron Britain, more and more Premier League soccer matches are being cancelled, as COVID-19 ransacks the teams’ benches. But that doesn’t mean the stadiums will be empty at the weekend.

Both Wembley Stadium and Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge will be repurposed as giant walk-in clinics for booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. An army of volunteers – possibly literally, as troops will be deployed in some locations – will shepherd what Prime Minister Boris Johnson hopes will be hundreds of thousands of willing Britons into a nationwide collection of pop-up jab factories.

Hans van Leeuwen covers British and European politics, economics and business from London. He has worked as a reporter, editor and policy adviser in Sydney, Canberra, Hanoi and London. Connect with Hans on Twitter. Email Hans at

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