Crown unlikely to be suitable to hold Melbourne licence for two years
That’s a wrap
That’s it from the royal commission today, until Crown is back for its closing submissions on August 3.
Here are the main points from today:
- Counsel assisting the commission Adrian Finanzio, SC, says Crown is unsuitable for a casino licence in Victoria and will probably not be for some time.
- He says Crown chair Helen Coonan and Melbourne CEO Xavier Walsh are unfit to be associates of the group, should it retain its licence, and are not the right people to oversee cultural reform at the inquiry.
- He suggests it will probably take two years at a minimum for Crown to reform to the level necessary to hold a licence, and regaining sufficient public confidence may not be possible.
- The reasons for this are varied – Finanzio cites revelations heard by the commission such as an alleged $270 million tax rort and credit card fraud – but essentially they come down to the fact that the silk does not believe Crown has turned over a new leaf since the Bergin inquiry.
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