
Mintails Limited

December 2015

Uranium sells for around $25 a pound, the lowest since 2005.

Australian uranium in demand as China goes full steam for nuclear

The global outlook for uranium looks bright, with Asia's burgeoning nuclear energy industry fuelling demand.

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  • Stephen Cauchi

June 2011

Panel says no on Mintails

The Takeovers Panel declines to conduct proceedings relating to the control effects of a proposed rights issue by Mintails, which specialises in recovering gold from the mining and processing of surface resources.

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  • Brad Hatch

November 2010

West Wits to sell Emerald project

West Wits Mining has agreed to sell the Emerald Gold Project and nearby Monarch Resource to Mintails for $7.27 million.

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October 2010

Mintails, West Wits settle

Mintails and West Wits Mining have reached agreement on the repayment by Mintails to West Wits of about $1.95 million.

March 2010

Brief: West Wits Mining

West Wits Mining, under a new agreement, is to process ore from its Emerald gold project at the nearby Mogale gold plant operated by Mintails.

  • Updated

May 2009

Mintails (MLI)

Gold producer Mintails struck a three-month high on Thursday as increased investor confidence began to pick up the riskier small cap mining sector

  • David Ciampa

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