
Jervois Global Limited

ASX Announcements

Market Sensitive

Appointment of Voluntary Administrators

Administrator/Receiver – Appointed/Removed

Confirmation of Chapter 11 Plan

Progress Report

Receipt of section 249D Notices

Company Administration - Other

Market Sensitive

Quarterly Activities Report and Cashflow to 31 December 2024

Fourth Quarter Activities Report, Fourth Quarter Cashflow Report

Market Sensitive

Jervois commences Chapter 11 recapitalisation procedure

Company Administration - Other

View all JRV announcements

This Month

Jervois’ cobalt operations in Idaho. The mine has been closed since a slide in the cobalt price two years ago.

Texas court rejects Jervois investors’ hopes to derail stealth buyout

The cobalt miner wants a bankruptcy agreement approved that would hand control of the company to its lender, Boston hedge fund Millstreet Capital Management.

Jervois cobalt operations in the US state of Idaho

Shareholders sue to stop ‘rushed’ bankruptcy of cobalt miner Jervois

Two small shareholders are suing collapsed cobalt miner Jervois Global in a Texas court to halt a winding up that will erase hundreds of millions of dollars of investor capital.


Australia’s battery minerals ambitions are taking a battering – add the ASX’s Jervois Global to the list.

How AusSuper’s big critical minerals bet went belly up

It’s a wake-up call for the companies that think life’s easy when you’re backed by Australia’s most powerful investor. It isn’t.

One of Jervois’ cobalt projects under construction in Idaho.

AustralianSuper takes $100m hit from collapse of cobalt miner Jervois

The battery minerals play, which was once valued at more than $1 billion, will delist from the ASX and be taken private, rendering its equity worthless.

December 2023

Jervois Global finds itself favoured by governments, not markets

The ASX-listed battery minerals play is at the centre of a taxpayer-funded bidding war. But a pessimistic outlook for cobalt is keeping investors away.


August 2023

Glencore says inflation moderating, Australian coal dominates

Glencore and rival coal miner Coronado both expect unit costs to decline in the six months ahead, suggesting the coal sector’s inflation crisis is easing.

March 2023

BDO Global head of resources Sherif Andrawes.

Exploration raisings top $3b with rare earths in rare air

Billionaire backing for rare earth projects has marked a resurgence in finance for ASX-listed exploration companies.

November 2022

Jervois Mining has turned its attention to its second equity raising in less than 18 months.

Cobalt, nickel group Jervois Global readies $200m raising

Ambitious battery metals play Jervois Global is set to go to shareholders for capital to restart the group’s Brazilian refinery. 

May 2022

Street Talk.

Koboltti Chemicals wraps up quick Jervois stay, Citi blocks stake

The trade was worth $83 million to $91 million, depending on the final price.

January 2022

Pilbara Minerals boss Ken Brinsden has warned that labour shortages may prevent his company from fully seizing on boom prices.

Lithium miners say price boom has further to run

Australian miners are enjoying record lithium prices which look set to rally further, but they are struggling to get more output into the market.

July 2021

Democratic Republic of Congo dominates the global supply of cobalt.

Jervois jumps toward cobalt’s big league

The deal with American mining giant Freeport is the latest example of how the battery minerals revolution is making vertical integration fashionable again.

Fresh off a $US100 million bond deal, Jervois Mining has turned its attention to equity.

Freeport McMoran tips into Jervois Mining deal

Copper giant Freeport-McMoRan Inc is expected to emerge with a substantial strategic stake in ASX-listed Jervois Mining as part of an ambitious equity raising and repositioning by the company. 

April 2021

Jervois Mining wants funding for its Idaho cobalt project locked in by the end of this half.

Jervois Mining goes to three US govt arms for funding

ASX-listed battery minerals play Jervois Mining has gone straight to the top in its search for cash to bring its American cobalt mine online.

October 2020

Jervois Mining shares are expected to be halted on Monday morning.

Jervois Mining powers up raising, mandates Shaw

Fresh off an appearance at the Diggers & Dealers conference, Jervois Mining is set to go cap in hand to investors.  

May 2020

Jervois wants to mine and process cobalt from the only known deposit in the US.

Home-grown cobalt play making waves in Washington

Jervois Mining reveals Washington and Canberra have shown a keen interest in its Idaho cobalt project after it barred Chinese investment, finance and off-take deals.


July 2019

Jervois wants to mine and process cobalt from the only known deposit in the US.

Cobalt scare campaign fails to derail Jervois bid for US mine

Shareholders in Vancouver-based eCobalt still voted in favour of a merger with Jervois on Friday.

The US is looking for alternative sources of cobalt to Africa and China.

China link threatens Australian cobalt miner's US plans

The story of a small Australian cobalt miner that ties ex-Glencore executives to the US-China trade war, electric cars and a horse-riding ex-governor of Idaho.

Jervois isn't about to play nicely with First Cobalt.

Jervois Mining is raring for a fight

You can take the boys out of Glencore, but you can't take Glencore out of the boys.

June 2019

Battery minerals play Jervois raises post M&A

Stockbroker BW Equities has kicked off a $15 million equity raising for listed batteries minerals play Jervois Mining. 

August 2018

Ex Glencore bosses try to snatch nickel asset

Two former Glencore bosses have made an audacious bid to snatch a nickel and cobalt asset from under Swiss miner's nose

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