
Isentia Group

February 2022

Truescope CEO and co-founder John Croll

‘Not an option’: Media monitoring veteran leaving Australia behind

Truescope chief executive John Croll is focused on global expansion and is not yet interested to raising capital for an Australian arm of the company.

  • Miranda Ward

December 2021

Streem CTO Antonine Sabourin and CEO Elgar Welch will stay on to lead the Australian and New Zealand business after its acquistion by Cision.

Media monitoring firm Streem acquired by Chicago-based Cision

Streem wants to be part of the global media monitoring and analysis market and is set to focus on moving into social media, and earned media measurement and analysis as a result of this deal.

  • Miranda Ward

November 2021

Sky News Australia operator the Australian News Channel is taking iSentia to court to stop it sharing its content with government clients without an appropriate licence.

News Corp takes iSentia to court over copyright infringement

Australian News Channel, which runs Sky News, wants the Federal Court to stop the media monitoring firm from providing their content to government clients.

  • Miranda Ward

June 2021

social media

Isentia takeover pegs true cost of ‘cyber incident’

The attractive takeover offer being promoted on Tuesday is still below where shares traded prior to Isentia’s admission of a cyber disaster in October.

  • Tom Richardson
Isentia’s Ed Harrison says the company’s acquisition by Access Intelligence will benefit staff and clients.

UK-based company acquires struggling Isentia

The media monitoring company will disappear from the ASX should the deal worth $67 million go ahead.

  • Miranda Ward

Isentia’s ex-CEO pinches its client

Struggling Isentia has a competitor in south-east Asia and it’s being led by its former chief executive.

  • Tom Richardson

May 2021

Meltwater has lost the ability to syndicate copy from The Australian.

NSW govt flying blind on Oz coverage

Rupert Murdoch’s favourite newspaper has cut the cord on media monitor Meltwater, leaving its twitchy clients reeling.

  • Myriam Robin

February 2021

The Australian Financial Review swept the press club financial reporting awards.

Financial Review expands subscriber strategy to media monitors

The Australian Financial Review will no longer allow the customers of media clippings services such as iSentia, Streem and Meltwater to read articles in full unless users are subscribers of the masthead.

June 2020

John Croll CEO  iSentia.

Truescope gets ahead of itself

Surely the flying kangaroo isn't already a client?

  • Myriam Robin

October 2019

Media monitoring company iSentia ain't a monopoly no more.

Streem lures iSentia's auditor

iSentia is worth a fraction of what it was in 2014, and now operates in a competitive market against global and home-grown competitors.

  • Myriam Robin

September 2019

Meltwater's state-of-the-art monitoring includes social media. But its regional coverage is lacking.

NSW Government advisers see red over media monitoring

As far as knowing what local media was saying about them, was the government running blind?

  • Myriam Robin

October 2018

Fletcher Building is 'still the market leader in New Zealand and we think the cycle in New Zealand is actually stronger for longer,' says Mark Whittaker.

Buy, hold, sell: Pact Group, iSelect, Thorn Group, Fletcher Building, iSentia

James Marley speaks with Forager Funds' Steve Johnson and Investor Mutual's Marc Whittaker about five out-of-favour stocks.

  • Updated

March 2018

Two litres of A2 milk retails for $4.80 at the local supermarket, more than double the price of unbranded milk.

Pricing power key to corporate success

In a low growth environment, pricing power is the illusive ingredient that professional investors look for in listed companies to drive shareholder returns.

  • Updated
  • Stewart Oldfield

November 2017

Directors in firing line as executive remuneration strikes fall

Just six top companies have received a ''strike'' this AGM season as boards took a tougher line on CEO pay but directors are now in the firing line.

  • Updated
  • Patrick Durkin

October 2017

Isentia second-largest shareholder asks CEO why he's still here

If Isentia's long-serving CEO John Croll wasn't terrified before, he should be now.

  • Myriam Robin

September 2017

Bricks and thought: Lego's turnaround provides an innovation template for all businesses, according to Isentia CIO Andrea Walsh.

How Lego rebuilt itself as 'the Apple of toys'

The Danish toymaker's bricks have built an innovation platform for Isentia.

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  • Andrea Walsh

July 2017

How the Rich Invest: Peter Scanlon

Peter Scanlon is a shareholder in takeover target Programmed Maintenance Services, the best performing stock on the market this month.

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  • John Stensholt
Australasian fibre and beverage packaging producer Orora is expected to post a compounded earnings growth rate of 10 per cent over the next three years.

Don't get sidetracked by the market bears

Equity markets had a good time of it in 2016-17 but the upshot is that investors now risk being side-tracked by speculation over whether shares are over or under-valued.

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  • ST Wong

The Sydney hedge fund that's keeping it simple

This Sydney hedge fund manager started his career in the mailroom, also manages a fish and chip shop, and aims for steady returns. The fund has returned 13.8 per cent annualised.

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  • Jonathan Shapiro

June 2017

Why is London consultancy knocking around beaten up iSentia?

The latest underperforming company in the crosshairs of would-be suitors is media intelligence and content marketer, iSentia.

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  • Edited by Sarah Thompson, Anthony Macdonald and Joyce Moullakis

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