
Henry Morgan Limited

March 2023

Stuart McAuliffe outside Brisbane Magistrates Court on Friday.

Pirate fund king vows to battle ASIC criminal charges

Stuart McAuliffe, who cited Rome’s Caesar in his investment strategies, has appeared in court on criminal charges.

Stuart McAuliffe’s Henry Morgan fund was suspended from trading in 2017 and put into liquidation last year.

Pirate fund king faces court over $4m payments

Stuart McAuliffe, who based investment strategies on military campaigns from the likes of George Patton, headed a series of pirate-themed investment companies.

November 2022

Stuart McAuliffe

This fund was named after a pirate: liquidators can see why

A key investment company of pirate-loving fund manager Stuart McAuliffe is in liquidation, and the autopsy so far is scathing.

December 2020

Stuart McAuliffe named his funds after pirates.

'Shadow director' probe in pirate fund business

Filings for a public examination have been made in federal court into a company linked to ASX and NSX investment outfits.

July 2020

The Henry Morgan fund was named after a pirate.

ASIC's gripes with skyrocketing pirate fund unearthed

Amid scrutiny of listed investment companies and unlisted valuations, the corporate watchdog had concerns with one fund.


June 2020

Stuart McAuliffe oversaw a trio of pirate themed companies.

The pyrrhic victory of the pirate mutineers

Shareholder activism can be rewarding. But for a band of advisers that toppled the board of Benjamin Hornigold it comes at a huge personal and financial cost.

April 2020

Stuart McAuliffe, shirt on.

Pirate fund king bares it out amid estates

So where does pirate fund king Stuart McAuliffe hang out these days?

January 2020

A series of funds and their investment management firm were named after pirates.

Pirate funds outfit fires volley over audit bill

It's not every day a sharemarket-listed outfit sends a blistering email in a bill dispute with auditors.

December 2019

Administrators say their investigations identified payments made by JB Financial  that "may constitute uncommercial transactions”.

Administrators probe $14m deals in pirate funds empire

Administrators of JB Financial say they might have found potential director breaches and argue “strong” public policy reasons exist to investigate further.

Stuart McAuliffe named his funds after pirates.

Takeovers Panel raises conflict concerns with CEO in boardroom

When is it okay for a CEO to stay in the boardroom when other directors chat vote on a deal involving a potential conflict of interest?

November 2019

Stuart McAuliffe (left).

Pirate funds boss listed as $200K priority creditor

More grey clouds over entities in the funds management brainchild of Stuart McAuliffe.

Airport-type security at the Westpac AGM last year.

The security arms race for AGMs

Sometimes it feels like an arms race in terms of which company’s annual general meeting can be number one in terms of a security clampdown.

September 2019

Henry Morgan's accounts showed a $5.6 million loss.

Fees ahoy! Pirate fund investors warned of potential liability

More than $8m in performance fees has so far been paid from a fund to an investment management firm run by the fund's boss.

July 2019

The investment management firm John Bridgeman is battling an NSX suspension.

Cough 'em up: court orders stock exchange to divulge complaints

A rare case sees a troubled investment management firm looking to dig up what allegations have been made against it.

June 2019

Incoming chairman Michael Glennon.

Pirate directors walk the plank after rebel investor push

The war for one of Australia's most controversial - and colourful - funds has been won by rebels. What now?

Benjamin Hornigold is a fund named after a dead pirate.

Judge dumps pirate fund's bid to squash rebel vote

A battle for shareholder democracy or a waste of investor funds? A judge has quashed a fund's attempt to stop a rebel investor meeting taking place.

May 2019

Stuart McAuliffe: likes pirates.

Stuart McAuliffe's pirate funds must like McCullough Robertson

It's a very small sea up there. A very small sea filled with fund managers who self-identify as pirates

Stuart McAuliffe, left, has a penchant for military history.

Pirate fund directors try repelling rebel putsch

Directors of troubled ASX-listed fund Benjamin Hornigold, named after an 18th-century Caribbean pirate, argue an investor rebellion is a bad investment idea.

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