
Frontier Resources

December 2011

PNG’s key resources projects

Papua New Guinea is enjoying a resources boom, attracting big investments from global mining and oil companies.

  • Updated

May 2011

Frontier broadens its reach in Tasmania

Frontier Resources was granted the River Lea and Wanderer River exploration licences, consolidating and enhancing its tenement portfolio in Tasmania.

May 2010

Brief: Frontier Resources

Frontier Resources has placed 15.23m shares at 7.5¢ each.

Frontier Resources gains support from blue-chip miner

Frontier Resources announced today that it had entered into two farm-in joint ventures with Ok Tedi Mining, a large producer of copper concentrate.

  • Trevor Hoey

Resources tax - the effect on goldminers

The proposed resources super profit tax will have a dramatic impact on the mining industry - here I look at the effect on several smaller goldminers.

  • Updated
  • Trevor Hoey

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