
Frontier Digital Ventures Limited

ASX Announcements

Application for quotation of securities - FDV

Appendix 2A (Application for Quotation of Securities)

Market Sensitive

Strategic Review Advisor Update

Progress Report

Market Sensitive

S&P DJI Announces March 2025 Quarterly Rebalance

Standard and Poor’s Announcement

2024 Full Year Results Call Transcript

Chairman's Address - Other

Market Sensitive

2024 Full Year Results Presentation

Preliminary Final Report, Company Presentation

View all FDV announcements

September 2022

Buy, hold, sell: Five industry-leading micro caps

Yarra Capital Management’s Joel Fleming and 1851 Capital’s Chris Stott share their thoughts on three micro-cap stocks making serious strides, and two with an enviable market position.

September 2021

Men and women who reported strengthening their muscles a few times a week, for a weekly total of one to two hours, were about 30 per cent less likely to get obese over the years, based on waist circumference or body-fat percentage. 

Gyms, civvies and malt: 17 stocks to watch on reopening

Investors looking for companies that will benefit most from the end of lockdowns should look past the obvious potential winners to dentists, car dealerships and malt producers.

June 2021

Buy, hold, sell: Brainchip, EML Payments, Tesserent, Maxitrans

Fund managers discuss three fan favourites and two stocks on the rise.

January 2021

Markets live

ASX gains 0.8pc; Zip soars 23pc; Cleanaway plunges

The sharemarket finished at a fresh 11-month high as Afterpay and Zip paced a rally in buy now, pay later stocks. Cleanaway lost 8.5 per cent after CEO Vik Bansal resigned.

Bell Potter's equities desk was in the market with a block trade on Tuesday night.

Catcha Group sells down Frontier Digital stake

Bell Potter's equities desk was in the market with a $69 million block of ASX-listed Frontier Digital shares on Tuesday night, being sold by Catcha Group. 

December 2020

The reopening of trade is likely to continue into 2021, BlackRock says.

What stocks the experts are buying in 2021

Eight leading investors select the stocks to watch in the coming year, from fintechs to retirement products to support for electric vehicles.

October 2020

Stocks that will take off after a vaccine

The World Health Organisation lists 10 vaccines in phase three trials. Investors would be wise to think about how to tilt part of their portfolio should some of these succeed.

ASX gains 1.1pc; Zip, Netwealth, ELMO soar; Xero hits record

The sharemarket gained for a fourth consecutive day, notching up it's longest winning streak since early July. The market is up 5.4 per cent this week. Netwealth surges after funds update. ELMO surges 12 per cent after $32 million Breathe acquisition.

Frontier Digital Ventures launched a capital raising on Wednesday morning.

Busy Frontier Digital Ventures back seeking $100m

Online classifieds business Frontier Digital Ventures is set to launch a $100 million equity raising to fund acquisitions. 

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