October 2023
Genesis’ Dacian dramas give Albemarle a peek at an alternate universe
If Albemarle executives ever wonder what might have been at Liontown, they need only look to Dacian Gold, where minority holders have held a suitor to ransom.
September 2022
Genesis hasn’t forgotten about St Barbara play
It’s hard to believe it’s all quiet on the western front, as far as gold consolidation is concerned.
August 2022
St Barbara investors demand board overhaul before M&A
Some investors do not want the directors responsible for a struggling 2019 acquisition representing them in talks with a Kerry Stokes-backed gold play.
July 2022
Genesis gets Dacian, St Barbara next target; $100m raising launches
Genesis Minerals has pulled the trigger on consolidation in Western Australia’s northern goldfields, starting with Dacian Gold and potentially moving on to St Barbara Mining.
Genesis Minerals pounces on down and out Dacian Gold
Acquisitive WA gold company Genesis Minerals is set to acquire its battling neighbour and fund it with an equity raising.
May 2021
Dacian Gold terms land; Peninsula Energy launches placement
Dacian Gold’s quest to snare a $40 million cash injection is off and racing.
Dacian Gold digs in for $40m equity raising
Dacian Gold is seeking early support for an equity raising,
September 2020
Buy, hold, sell: Telstra, CSL, Mesoblast, Dacian Gold, EML Payments
These stocks are the most searched-for on Livewire Markets – but are they a buy?
August 2020
Mining's next super cycle will be low carbon
Forget iron ore or gold, Acorn Capital's Rick Squire and Karina Bader say the next mining super cycle will be in the shift to battery-dominated energy.
April 2020
Dacian Gold bites recap bullet; Canaccord, Macquarie on ticket
It's Dacian Gold's turn to step up to the recapitalisation plate.
March 2020
Dacian forges ahead with recapitalisation plans
Choppy trading in gold markets at the end of last week won't be good news for this ASX-listed small cap miner.
February 2020
Panning for gold: Dacian on raising watchlists
The $320 million miner is expected to rejoin the local bourse during the week beginning February 24.
July 2019
Dacian pleases investors by avoiding equity raising
The troubled gold producer believes it can make ends meet with a more conservative mine plan
June 2019
Dacian opens data room, bidders' time to judge
Judgement calls don't come much more binary than the one facing potential suitors for troubled gold miner Dacian.
Deutsche Bank left carrying $127m St Barbara shortfall
Retail shareholders have abandoned St Barbara's raising, rounding out a terrible week for the Australian gold sector amid decade-high gold prices.
Gold miners keep on giving for Norges Bank
With its investments going up in smoke this fast, maybe Norway's central bank will begin considering gold a fossil fuel as well.
Dacian shares plummet in latest gold mine disappointment
Fire sale on the cards as Mount Morgans mine fails to deliver as promised.
NRW slides in fallout from gold miner's collapse
Mining contractor reveals $35 million exposure to troubled Gascoyne Resources.
July 2018
Free cash flow helps Aussie gold stocks regain their lustre
When priced in US dollars Australian gold stocks have substantially outperformed its US peers over one, three and five years.
Three brokers tapped for Dacian Gold raising
ASX-listed gold company Dacian Gold is seeking to raise up to $45 million in fresh equity.