ASX Announcements
Company Administration - Other
Company Presentation
December 2024
Rio’s abandoned copper mine ‘life-threatening’ to Bougainville locals
The Panguna copper mine in Bougainville continues to generate toxic waste and may spark landslides that could kill people and cause lasting ecological damage.
July 2024
Rod Carnegie: corporate giant felled at the final hurdle
Sir Rod Carnegie soared across the corporate sky in the ’70s and ’80s but was thwarted in his attempt to secure full Australian local control of mining giant CRA.
July 2021
Rio Tinto takes ‘first step’ towards Panguna fix
The miner has agreed with community leaders in Bougainville to help fund an investigation into the environmental and social impact of the abandoned copper mine.
September 2020
Treasury asked to probe Rio's Bougainville history
Rio Tinto says it is willing to discuss the future of the island's Panguna copper mine with concerned locals.
February 2014
Results Wrap | Australian Vintage profit up
Reporting season live | Globe International profit surges, Austin dives 95pc, Mayne Pharma and Wilson HTM in the black; Mesoblast loss widens; Regional Express has $5m profit.
May 2011
Bougainville Copper (BOC)
Rio Tinto subsidiary Bougainville Copper’s Panguna mine has lain dormant since 1988, but plans to reopen the mine could unlock $50 billion of reserves.
January 2011
Bougainville soars on resolution hopes
There are few surer signs of a hot market for copper than a run in the share price of Bougainville Copper, the share market oddity that has sat idle on the ASX for more than twenty years waiting for the civil crisis on its namesake island to end.
November 2010
Rio forecasts falling copper production
Rio Tinto expects its copper production will fall by 15 per cent next year due to lower grades at its operations and a lack of growth until the Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia begins production in late 2012.
September 2010
Rio fights Bougainville case in US
Rio Tinto is fighting to have a long-running human rights lawsuit against it thrown out of a United States court because the alleged breaches occurred in Papua New Guinea.
June 2005
Right royal rebels sit on copper riches
As Bougainville ushers in a new era of autonomous government today, the future of the rich Panguna copper mine which is covered with tangled vines and rusting equipment is again luring speculators.
April 2000
Out of action, but in profit
The mine has not operated for 11 years, but Bougainville Copper managed to increase profit this year, thanks to an increase in interest earned. Bougainville Copper, 54% owned by Rio Tinto, closed the copper mine on Bougainville Island in 1989 after attacks by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, which wanted the island to secede from Papua New Guinea. The closure was a blow to the economy of Papua New Guinea, as the mine had provided 44% of the Government's revenue over its 17 years of production. Bougainvilleans also lost their biggest employer.
March 2000
Bougainville Copper is likely to exit Panguna
Bougainville Copper's shareholders may get to vote on the future of their company at a special general meeting once a review of strategies for the future has been completed.
July 1999
Copper assets so much scrap metal
Bougainville Copper believes the cost of restarting its Panguna copper mine in Papua New Guinea has escalated because of the destruction of much of the equipment left on Bougainville Island after the mine was abandoned 10 years ago.
January 1999
Bougainville may need further writedowns
Bougainville Copper Ltd may need to make further writedowns in the value of its mothballed Panguna copper mine assets if operations are to recommence.
May 1997
Bougainville Copper stock in demand
Bougainville Copper Ltd shares shot up 25 per cent yesterday following reports that rebels on Bougainville might support a re-opening of the giant Panguna copper mine.
April 1997
No knowledge of Sandline deal
Bougainville Copper Ltd, owner of the mothballed Bougainville copper mine, has denied any knowledge of the contract between the Papua New Guinea Government and the South African mercenary group Sandline International.