
Axiom Mining

July 2015

Executive pay back in spotlight as protest votes double

The boards of a dozen top-300 companies face being dumped by their investors, as protest votes over executive pay double and shareholders put bonuses back in the spotlight ahead of this year's annual meeting season.

September 2014

Axiom wins court action over Solomon’s nickel

ASX-listed minerals explorer Axiom Mining has won a Solomon Islands High Court judgment against Japan’s Sumitomo over the rights to mine one of the world’s largest nickel deposits.

August 2014

Axiom’s Sumitomo battle nearly over

ASX-listed Axiom Mining stands to win more than $100 million in costs and damages from Japanese giant ­Sumitomo Metal Mining following a Solomon Island High Court judgement.

August 2011

Afternoon resources round-up

Texon Petroleum, Beach Energy, U308, Thundelarra Exploration, Aditya Birla, Auzex Resources, Phosphate Australia, Axiom Mining, Legend Mining, Latin Resources, Venturex Resources, Mount Magnet South, Adelaide Energy.

July 2011

Solid week building for capital raisings

It’s building as a solid week for capital raisings, with PrimeAg and QRxPharma among the latest companies to tap investors for funds.

December 2009

Brief: Axiom Mining

Corporate news snapshot for Axiom Mining

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