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Boom in construction built through the pandemic

The nation’s construction sector is in the midst of a boom despite the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic. Total dwelling approvals are up over 23 per cent year-on-year according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ most recent figures, with private housing approvals 42 per cent higher than August 2019.

Speaking at the recent Building through the Pandemic virtual event hosted by the Commonwealth Bank, Head of Australian Economics at the bank, Gareth Aird, suggested the boom will run through to next year off the back of low interest rates, the HomeBuilder scheme and rising dwelling prices.

Aird pointed out the purple patch in the construction sector isn’t just confined to the residential housing market as state governments are also spending huge amounts on public works programs. Consultancy Rider Levett Bucknall’s most recent Crane Index lists 718 cranes working on projects across Australia with Sydney’s 295 leading the count.

Positive environment for building. 

Interestingly, the bullish outlook for the construction sector comes at a time when global supply chains are being squeezed and Australia is experiencing labour shortages in the sector as net overseas migration numbers have plummeted during the pandemic. The most recent figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics indicate the nation’s population growth is at a near standstill with the country experiencing negative net overseas migration for the first time since 1946.

Beyond the huge rise in new construction activity, Aird also highlighted that Australians who have been living through multiple lockdowns have been spending big on home renovations with the Commonwealth Bank’s lending in the home renovation space “incredibly strong”.


All of this activity is feeding a few constraints such as increasing pressures on materials, supply chains and some homeowners struggling to find a builder. This all feeds through to costs, although Aird says the higher prices are not yet reflected in CPI figures because of a number of federal government incentives such as the HomeBuilder grant. The grant means there is a mismatch between the recorded price consumers pay and the prices received by builders.

Overcoming challenges

Speaking at the event, Chief Financial Officer of building products manufacturer CSR, David Fallu, said the construction sector has continued to function despite the myriad of challenges thrown up by the pandemic.

He said the three big drivers for construction have historically been interest rates, employment, and population growth, driven by net overseas migration, with the last factor severely affected by the pandemic.

What has helped drive the current surge in activity is the support provided by HomeBuilder. But for Fallu the key question over the medium term is “how COVID and non-COVID related factors will influence the ability of the residential construction industry, to deliver into these approvals”, he said.

“These factors have included timber availability, freight cost and delay, trade labour availability, along with the longer term planning issues associated with land release in key Australian growth corridors,” Fallu said.

Director and General Manager - Victorian Housing at Australia’s largest home builder, Metricon, Peter Langfelder, described the last 18 months as a “huge rollercoaster” that began with a COVID-induced slowdown before the HomeBuilder grant sparked a “huge upturn in sales which actually accelerated even after the grant came to an end”.

“The challenges are more at the backend of our business, which really is about supplies and the continuity of the work coupled with the opening and the shutting of construction sites (during lockdowns),” Langfelder said.

According to Langfelder, other challenges included quickly moving nearly 2000 office-based staff to working from home and ensuring many of the company’s services were available online, considering consumers could not visit display homes or selection studios. But the company was resilient, adaptable and reasonably well prepared, he said.

“The key challenge really has been construction continuity and supply issues,” he said.

Managing Director of hardware powerhouse Bunnings Group, Michael Schneider, agreed it has been an especially busy period in the sector, with Australians stuck in lockdown becoming “far more connected to their homes”.

Because people haven’t been able to travel, they’ve explored the idea of moving suburbs “or tried to get different accommodation, or invested in holiday properties”, he said, as well as increasing their spending on home renovation projects.

Schneider said Bunnings has been able to capitalise on the uptick in construction by pivoting operations to offer a “click and collect” model and by the simple fact its stores are an “essential service for tradies”.

Essential service for tradies. Getty

Supply chains squeezed

“We have certainly had to be very adaptable, flexible, and incredibly resilient as well. I also think the uniqueness of our built environment has let us do things that have been really helpful, be it mobile vaccination sites, mobile testing sites in our buildings or in our car parks,” Schneider said.

He also highlighted the supply side challenges both for materials and labour - especially as net migration has moved into the negative.

Patrick Gibson, Chief Financial Officer at Australia’s leading provider of water solutions products and systems to households and commercial premises, GWA Group, said while the residential sector has been strong, there has been a “big fall-off in commercial new build over the last 12 months particularly in sectors affected by COVID such as offices, retail and accommodation”.

“Conversely, we’ve seen a growth in renovation and replacement in commercial and I think we will see the broader construction industry continue to grow stronger for longer basically, throughout 2022 and into 2023,” Gibson said.

Gibson acknowledged the biggest challenge is ensuring continuity of supply “because global supply chains have become incredibly disrupted”.

He said GWA have worked very closely with long-term suppliers to ensure they have good availability of product but that hasn’t been the real issue, it has been the disruption in freight.

“The international availability of containers translates into longer times from order to receipt of product. For example, typically from ordering a product to receiving it would take about 12 weeks but today that supply chain is 20 weeks plus,” Gibson said.

To mitigate against this slowdown in global supply chains, the company has had to place orders earlier, increase the supply of safety stocks sitting in Australia and, where possible, work on substituting products.

Building inventory levels to mitigate supply risk was a strategy adopted by most of the Commonwealth Bank’s institutional clients said the bank’s Managing Director of Industrials, Transport and Consumer, Jake Potgieter, who also noted that the supply chain challenges experienced by the building and construction industry can also be seen in other industries.

Potgieter, who hosted the virtual event, said “elevated inventory levels require additional funding, although most clients have emerged well through the pandemic with strong levels of liquidity”.

“However, the bank is working with its clients to look for efficient and cost effective funding options to optimise liquidity and working capital,” Potgieter said.

Bunnings’ Schneider did warn the supply chain challenges exacerbated by a slowdown in global trade will continue for some time, but the hardware giant has invested in working capital to ensure they have the inventory needed.

Moreover, Bunnings does source a large amount of product in Australia such as timber and paint, and they have augmented current supplies by making “good strategic bets on larger quantities of stock that we will house in our distribution centres, or with our supply partners”.

Material shortages will lead to inflationary pressure. Getty

Bullish outlook

Despite some of the ongoing challenges, Metricon’s Langfelder is very confident the current boom will continue over the next 18 months.

“There’s still a lot of confidence in the market and employment is strong. The key driver now is really migration, and hopefully in the new year, we’ll be able to pick that up again,” he said.

Commonwealth Bank’s Aird agreed an increase in overseas migration will drive the industry onwards.

“At the end of the day, it’s a numbers game, and the more people you have arriving in the country and the faster the population grows, the more dwellings you’ve got to build.

“Most people wouldn’t have thought that over COVID, when net overseas migration ground to a halt, you’d end up with a residential construction boom but we’ve seen some different dynamics taking place in terms of people spending more time around the home and greater demand for detached dwellings,” Aird says.

Langfelder said the migration issue is flowing through to labour costs, especially as demand for the “usual suspects” carpenters, framers and bricklayers goes up.

“There’s going to be further pressures over the next three to six months, as (construction) starts associated with the HomeBuilder grant flow through in terms of labour and materials.

“Typically we see a cost increase of 2 to 3 per cent, and we’re forecasting closer to twice that over the next 12 months and that ultimately gets passed onto the consumer,” Langfelder said.

GWA’s Gibson agreed issues related to labour and commodities will see costs rise but “the biggest issue for us without question is freight costs”.

“Our freight expenditure will increase by approximately 50 per cent this year and although it’s only a relatively small percentage of the total product costs, it’s inflationary.

“We’re also seeing commodities like copper and nickel at all-time highs as well and we’ve had to pass those on through price increases as have our competitors,” Gibson said.

Gibson expects inflation to hit the residential sector fairly solidly in the next two years. A key reason it hasn’t thus far, he said, is that the current boom is masked by a lag between approvals and actual construction starts.

“There’s probably a gap of 50,000 at the minute, between approvals and completions levels, for example, in detached housing. So, all in all, I think we’re going to see far more inflation over the next couple of years than we’ve experienced over the last 24 months,” he said.

As for the future, every panellist remains bullish although inflationary pressures are building because of labour and materials supply issues.

This does mean building timeframes will continue to stretch out for now, Langfelder said. But as supply comes back, “we’d expect that to come back in the latter part of this year, or at the very least early next year, we’d expect those timeframes to come right back to where they were”, Langfelder said.


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