
Michelle de Niese

This Month

While I’m no fan of policy-free elections, I’m even less of a fan of change for the sake of it.

First, do no harm to the tax system at the 2025 election

Large corporates would take a promise to do nothing over ‘somethings’ that have translated into complex and productivity-sapping changes to an already uncompetitive corporate tax system.

June 2024

Ed Husic called for tax reform at the Australian Financial Review AI Summit last week.

Hysteria over Husic’s call shows what’s wrong with tax debate

If honesty were to play any part in tax policy, we would all be searching for a way to have a fulsome conversation about our tax system, and how its failing will negatively affect all Australians.

October 2023

The work on what tax policy changes need to be made in Australia has already largely been done – in 2010 by the Henry Review and in 2015 via Re-think.

Time to walk the tax reform talk

The High Court’s rejection of Victoria’s road tax and its threat to states’ revenue puts pressure on the federal government to step into the reform breach.

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