
Matt Kean

This Month

Putting off action will only ensure more extreme weather and destructive events such as the fires that ripped through California earlier this year.

Megatrends that will trump any MAGA trend

Businesses, investors and the wider community in Australia and beyond can’t let short-term squalls blow us off our long-term course to cut carbon emissions.

November 2024

The Eraring power station in NSW will stay open to buy time for the renewables revolution to meet energy needs.

The argument against clean energy is an argument for more blackouts

It is a race against time with the grid under pressure because of coal’s failure not renewables, writes Climate Change Authority chairman Matt Kean.

October 2024

Matt Kean, Chair, Climate Change Authority, speaking at the Energy & Climate Summit.

Delay-mongers have latched on to nuclear

I suspect those arguing for it don’t believe we’ll ever build one of these reactors in Australia, and certainly not in time to bridge coal’s energy system exit.

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