
James Paterson

August 2023

WeChat failed to answer for these very serious allegations by repeatedly refusing to appear before the committee.

Australia must de-weaponise TikTok and WeChat

A bipartisan report has made 17 recommendations – based on the liberal tradition of transparency, not censorship – to make Australia a harder target for malicious actors to interfere in our democracy through social media apps.

March 2020

Audit reports need to be readied for the digital era.

Sensible steps that will restore faith in auditors

A parliamentary committee did not find any of the conspiracies imagined by critics of the audit business. But it did find room for improvement.

November 2019

ASIC's James Shipton and Karen Chester at the Parlimentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services.

Too many regulators could dilute our democratic control

Hayne was right to call for more expert oversight. But that cannot replace the unique scrutiny of an elected Parliament.

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