Trump may be wrong about many things, but he’s right about Hamas
Arab states such as Qatar and Egypt depend on US protection even as they harbour Hamas leaders or failed to stop the group from arming itself to the teeth.
Israeli right may soon be disenchanted with Trump
The result is a diplomatic paradox: Thanks largely to the incoming president, a deal demanded by the Israeli left and reviled by the right is about to come into effect.
December 2024
Trump should present Iran with a choice – and a dare
The end of Bashar al-Assad’s wretched regime in Syria unlocks many doors for the United States across Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Iran.
The CEO, not the shooter, is the real working-class hero
Brian Thompson, who was fatally shot in New York, is a model for how a talented, determined man from humble roots can rise to the top of corporate life.
A disgraceful presidential pardon right out of the MAGA ‘swamp’
What a degrading finale for Joe Biden’s feeble, forgettable, frequently foolish presidency.
November 2024
A worldwide ‘Jew hunt’ is under way
The instigators of last week’s attacks in Amsterdam are, like generations of pogromists before them, simply out to get the Jews.
The three big reasons behind Harris’ humiliating defeat
The politics of today’s left is heavy on social engineering according to group identity. It also, increasingly, stands for the forcible imposition of bizarre cultural norms.
Seven tips for the new US president, whoever wins
Whether it’s Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, these pieces of advice will serve either candidate equally well.
October 2024
Democrats’ name-calling will be to blame if Trump wins
The main reason will be the way in which leading liberal voices in government, academia and media practice politics today.
Actually, the US absolutely does need to escalate in Iran
Iran presents an utterly intolerable threat not only to Israel but also to the United States and whatever remains of the liberal international order.
September 2024
Why Hezbollah is everyone’s problem
The world is now in the opening stages of yet another contest between the free and unfree. It’s a conflict reaching far and wide, and will last for decades.
The 5 things university students should be protesting about
Here are some alternative focal points for outrage and protest, particularly for morally energetic university students.
August 2024
All of Israel’s leaders need to be replaced, says former Israeli PM
After 10 months of grinding war, Israel has achieved none of its major objectives, says Naftali Bennett, who could be planning a return to the political stage.
July 2024
Democrats will pay a price for anointing Harris
Kamala Harris is unpopular, has a penchant for excruciating banality and her career smacks of connections and favouritism.
What would a better Israeli prime minister do?
Israel needs to offer a postwar vision for Gaza and articulate the real stakes in this war – one battle in the struggle between the free and unfree worlds.
May 2024
Who’s in more trouble: Israel or Iran?
Middle East conflict is making Iran’s clerical regime seem ever more fragile, and Israel’s sense of nationhood even stronger.
What a ‘free Palestine’ means in practice
The campus protesters are not the first generation of Western activists who have championed movements that promised liberation in theory and misery and murder in practice.
April 2024
What it means to be (visibly) Jewish in the Ivy League
Behaviour that would be scandalous if aimed at other minorities is treated as understandable or even commendable when directed at Jews.
Why Benjamin Netanyahu must go
Parliamentary democracies that find themselves saddled with bad leaders in moments of national emergency do well when they get rid of those leaders.
February 2024
Settler colonialism: a guide for the sincere
It’s fine to oppose settler colonialism, but in that case, one also must be consistent and principled.