
SA man and his stepdaughter jailed for combined 30 years for sexually abusing, photographing, her sister and her children

An SA paedophile abused his stepdaughter for years – then as an adult, she betrayed her own children to his perverse desires in the hope of a modelling career.

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A paedophile and his stepdaughter, who worked as a team to sexually abuse and exploit both her sister and her own three children, will serve a combined 30 years’ jail for their crimes.

The District Court has denounced the man, identified as “SC”, as “a grossly deceitful, cunning and controlling man” who committed “abhorrent and depraved” crimes against his family.

Between 2012 and 2017, more than 2700 indecent photos of SC’s stepdaughter, “SM”, her sister and her own children were taken for his perverted use.

To ensure SM’s involvement, SC exploited her financial difficulties by adopting two false online identities that promised her a modelling career in exchange for abuse photos.

In sentencing, Judge Liesl Chapman said SM deserved a lengthy prison sentence for her actions – but told SC he was to blame for that as well.

“You manipulated SM from a young age … she has had to take responsibility for what she ended up doing by now serving a long time in jail – but you created her,” she said.

“You spun a tangled web initially catching SM in it, then your own daughter and your three step-grandchildren.

“As well as a being a paedophile you are a grossly deceitful, cunning and controlling man.”

SC, 55, and SM, 31, pleaded guilty to 11 offences including aggravated production of child exploitation material, gross indecency and unlawful sexual intercourse.

Judge Chapman said the offending began when SM was 11 and, in exchange for money, SC convinced her to expose herself for his gratification.

That led to him abusing her, and to her assisting him to abuse her younger sister, under the guise of the girls posing for 1295 explicit photos so SM could pursue a career as a model.

“You put SM in contact with two men called Daniel and Joe through text‑based communications, saying they were involved in modelling,” she said.

“She never met either of the two men because they never, in fact, existed … you had made them up to tell her what to do.”

Years later, she said, SM was struggling financially so SC began the charade again, resulting in her abusing her children in 1439 photos and videos.

Judge Chapman praised SM’s sister for approaching police and ending “the nightmare” for her nieces and nephew, but said all the victims had suffered permanent emotional distress.

“I have not seen much, if any, indication of insight, remorse or contrition from you, SC,” she said.

“Further, no right-minded member of the community could fathom why you did what you did.”

She jailed SM for 12 years, and SC for 18 years, ordering each serve 80 per cent of their sentences before becoming eligible for parole.

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