
ICAC SA: New head Ann Vanstone selected to replace Bruce Lander

Former Supreme Court Justice Ann Vanstone has been selected as the new Independent Commissioner Against Corruption.

Justice Ann Vanstone.
Justice Ann Vanstone.

Former Supreme Court Judge Ann Vanstone has been appointed South Australia’s new Independent Commissioner Against Corruption.

The appointment of Ms Vanstone, the sister-in-law of former federal Liberal Minister Amanda Vanstone, was this morning endorsed by state parliament’s Statutory Officers Committee before being finalised in Executive Council.

Ms Vanstone, who stepped down from the bench last June, has extensive experience in criminal, administrative, family and commercial law in SA, Victoria and WA.

She worked as a prosecutor for 15 years before joining the independent bar as a Queen’s Counsel for five years prior to being appointed to the bench where she spent two decades.

Ms Vanstone, whose appointment had been widely tipped in legal and political circles for some time, said the appointment it was a “significant honour’’ and that she had “always been very interested’’ in the investigation function of the justice system.

“I think that is part of the reason I went to the Crown Prosecutor’s Office and was there for 15 years,’’ she said.

“In those times prosecutors worked very closely with the police ….it was a direct relationship between prosecutors and the police and we used to inform the investigations a great deal.

“Even on the bench I was always interested in what there is, what more could have been done and can be done and how things can be presented.

Former Supreme Court Justice Ann Vanstone leaving Parliament House on North Terrace after appearing before the Statutory Officers Committee on Monday, July 27. Picture: Tom Huntley
Former Supreme Court Justice Ann Vanstone leaving Parliament House on North Terrace after appearing before the Statutory Officers Committee on Monday, July 27. Picture: Tom Huntley

“It is a longstanding interest of mine and I have always been interested in this position and interstate ICAC positions.

“At some stage I expressed interest in it (the SA position). I have never been absolutely sure of it until today.’’

Attorney-General Vickie Chapman said Ms Vanstone was a highly respected legal figure with considerable expertise in many areas of the legal system to lead the anti-corruption watchdog.

“Ann Vanstone has four decades of experience in the legal profession, and is exceptionally well qualified to undertake this role,” she said.

“I have every confidence Ms Vanstone will bring the same degree of rigour and integrity to her approach in this important role that she has in every other aspect of her legal career.’’

SA judge Bruce Lander with lawyers Michael David and Ann Vanstone during court visit to service station robbery shooting scene in 1996.
SA judge Bruce Lander with lawyers Michael David and Ann Vanstone during court visit to service station robbery shooting scene in 1996.

The Advertiser earlier today revealed the committee was advised Ms Vanstone was the government’s candidate for the role a fortnight ago and last Tuesday met to consider it. During that meeting it was resolved to call Ms Vanstone before the committee to give evidence.

In 2015 Vanstone was appointed to Chair the Electoral Boundaries Commission review. Its report resulted in four Labor-held marginal seats becoming nominal Liberal seats. It prompted Labor to launch a Supreme Court appeal, which was dismissed.

Ms Vanstone, who sat on the commission with then acting electoral commissioner David Gully and Surveyor General Michael Burdett, said its report was completed “within the confines of the legislation as it then stood’’.

“I would have thought the election results showed what we did was very fair and in accordance with the Act. Indeed, the appeal to the Full Court showed we applied the legislation correctly,’’ she said.

Former Supreme Court judge Ann Vanstone.
Former Supreme Court judge Ann Vanstone.

Ms Vanstone’s last Supreme Court murder trial was that of Dudley Davey, who murdered nurse Gayle Woodford in 2017.

The Statutory Officers Committee comprises Liberals Matt Cowdrey, Terry Stephens and Vincent Tarzia, Labor members Ian Hunter and Tom Koutsantonis and independent John Darley.

Mr Stephens absented himself from last week’s meeting and Monday morning’s because he was conflicted by the current ICAC investigation into his allowance claims.

Current ICAC Bruce Lander QC, whose term expires on August 31, also appeared before the committee before he was formally appointed in 2013.

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