
‘Bullied, harassed’ court sheriff’s officers write to SA’s top judges calling for help to end decades of ‘mismanagement’ by senior staff

Court sheriff’s officers have sought to end decades of workplace bullying and months of debate by writing to SA’s top judges with a plea for help.

Sheriff’s officers staff the front doors and cells at courts across the state including the Sir Samuel Way Building, above.
Sheriff’s officers staff the front doors and cells at courts across the state including the Sir Samuel Way Building, above.

Sheriff’s officers say only management change within the Courts Administration Authority can end the festering, decades-long culture of bullying in which they work.

In a clear and unambiguous letter to the State Courts Administration Council, sighted by The Advertiser, officers say internal overhaul is essential to ensuring fair future treatment.

They call on Chief Justice Chris Kourakis, Chief Judge Michael Evans and chief magistrate Judge Mary-Louise Hribal to work with them and bring about “real change” addressing “systemic failures” identified by a parliamentary committee’s inquiry.

The letter has been written in response to Chief Justice Kourakis’ repeated public comments about a petition signed by 75 per cent of the officers.

He has said the petition shows officers want to stay with the CAA and not be transferred to the Department for Correctional Services, as recommended by the committee.

Officers say they fear their petition was only partially understood – they do not want to move to DCS, but have no confidence in the CAA as it currently exists.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Chris Kourakis.
Supreme Court Chief Justice Chris Kourakis.
District Court Chief Judge Michael Evans.
District Court Chief Judge Michael Evans.

They say they agree with the report’s “reliable” finding that CAA management engages in “bullying, harassment and misconduct”, and ask new measures be taken to stop it.

“The findings are indicative of a culture within the CAA in which officers have been inappropriately managed and at worse, intentionally undermined, over time,” the letter says.

“They reveal significant inconsistencies into misconduct allegations by senior management against sheriff’s officers … this requires addressing.

“The adding of middle managers has failed … it is of the utmost importance that suitably qualified and suitable persons be appointed to senior roles.”

In November, the committee’s report found the CAA’s “inconsistency and lack of accountability” had led to “significant adverse impacts” on officers’ wellbeing.

It recommended they be placed under DCS control, while Chief Justice Kourakis said officers would get to vote on who oversees them in a consultation process.

SA’s chief magistrate, Judge Mary-Louise Hribal.
SA’s chief magistrate, Judge Mary-Louise Hribal.

Two weeks ago State Courts Administrator Julie-Anne Burgess tendered her resignation.

In their letter, officers say a move to DCS would be “a misdirection from addressing the shortcomings of CAA management” outlined by the inquiry.

They urge the council to undertake an “independent and impartial” consultation process so as to ensure “accountability” from senior management.

The letter highlights allegations in the report of most concern to officers and provides a chart identifying which recommendations are sought, and which are opposed.

It calls for workplace oversight by the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment and the appointment of new, non-judicial human resources managers.

“We look forward to the implementation of meaningful cultural changes to address the systemic failures outlined in the (committee) report,” it says.

“It is the reasonable expectation of officers to work in a fair, equitable and legal workplace, with prudent oversight and accountability in place, meeting the necessary modern and evolving standards in relation to human resources management practices.”

How to cope with a workplace bully

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