
Alakiir Kelei Deng sentenced to suspended jail term for death of Bor Mabil in street race

Unsupervised, speeding at 100km/h – but this L-plate driver won’t be jailed for killing her friend in a street race.

Alakiir Deng leaves court in Adelaide

A speeding, unsupervised, L-plate street racer whose “selfish driving” killed her friend has been spared jail for her crime.

On Tuesday, Alakiir Kelei Deng’s three-year prison term for killing Bor Mabil – sister of Socceroo Awer Mabil – was suspended on condition of a three-year, $100 good-behaviour bond.

Bor Mabil, right, with her brother Awer, centre, and cousin Abiei Ajak, left. Picture: James Elsby.
Bor Mabil, right, with her brother Awer, centre, and cousin Abiei Ajak, left. Picture: James Elsby.
Alakiir Deng leaves court during an earlier appearance. Picture: Russell Millard/AAP
Alakiir Deng leaves court during an earlier appearance. Picture: Russell Millard/AAP

In sentencing, Judge Michael Boylan said the community – particularly young people – needed to know that “selfish and reckless” driving would not be tolerated.

However, having “thought long and hard”, he had decided to give her an opportunity to continue her rehabilitation.

“Your driving was utterly selfish (but) your prognosis to cease offending is good,” he said.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that your youth, prior unblemished record, genuine remorse and insight, and having clear and realistic ambitions about your career and future provide good reason to suspend the sentence.”

Deng, 19, of Gawler West, pleaded guilty to one aggravated count of causing death by dangerous driving.

By her plea, she admitted aiding and abetting Akol Agiu Akol in the street race that killed Ms Mabil, 19, at Andrews Farm last year.

Akol was disqualified from driving, speeding on the wrong side of the road, had consumed MDMA and had a blood alcohol reading of 0.22 at the time.

He was jailed for at least 2 ½ years, but that sentence was increased following an appeal by prosecutors.

Last week, Deng’s counsel told the court she was in a state of “heightened stress” when she made the fateful decision to speed up and enter the race with Akol.

They said she was going slower than Akol and was therefore able to maintain control when his car rolled on to its side, killing Ms Mabil.

Ms Mabil died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash. Picture: Brenton Edwards.
Ms Mabil died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash. Picture: Brenton Edwards.

In sentencing on Thursday, Judge Boylan said Deng’s offending sat within a different category than that of Akol.

“As serious as your offending was, it was not as serious as his,” he said.

“You knew he had been drinking but did not know how much he had drunk, nor that he was affected by drugs.

“(But) you drove at 100km/h in a built-in area (and) must have been aware how recklessly Akol was driving during the race.

“Ms Mabil’s family is grief-stricken … they will never, ever recover from this.”

Judge Boylan said that, despite being ostracised by some in her community following the crash, Deng wanted to educate her peers so they did not repeat her mistakes.

He sentenced Deng to three years and two months’ jail with the mandatory 80 per cent non-parole period of 2 1/2 years.

He also disqualified Deng from driving for 10 years.

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