
SA Police Detective convicted of unlawful sexual intercourse with and indecent assault of teen girl

A long-serving senior SA Police officer who sent salacious messages to a girl has been convicted of teen sex crimes – sending him, his wife and mother into hysteria inside a packed courtroom.

A South Australia Police officer, 37, has been convicted of sexually assaulting a girl, 15. Picture: Stephen Laffer
A South Australia Police officer, 37, has been convicted of sexually assaulting a girl, 15. Picture: Stephen Laffer

A long-serving SA Police officer has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a girl, 15, in his private vehicle after sending her salacious social media messages for months.

There were hysterical scenes as the District Court convicted the officer of teen sex charges, having found his claims of innocence to be “scripted, rehearsed” and “lacking credibility”.

He sank to his seat in the dock, covered his face with his hands and sobbed loudly while his wife and relatives, seated in the public gallery, screamed and cried.

His victim was comforted by her family and police, all of whom remained in the courthouse after the verdict until the officer and his large group of supporters left Victoria Square.

The officer, 37, whose identity is suppressed, has been with SA Police for almost 20 years in various roles and was working as a detective prior to being charged and suspended.

At trial, he pleaded not guilty to one count of unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under 17 years and two counts of indecent assault.

In her written verdict, released to The Advertiser, Judge Liesl Kudelka said prosecutors had alleged the offences occurred in early 2021.

She said that, at the time, the officer was managing a friend’s private business, at which the victim was employed, in addition to his police role.

District Court Judge Liesl Kudelka. Picture: Dylan Coker
District Court Judge Liesl Kudelka. Picture: Dylan Coker

Judge Kudelka said that, prior to the offending, the officer would “guide” the girl’s hips “with his hands” at work and had “slapped her on the bottom two or three times”.

She said the officer’s text and Snapchat messages – which he told the girl, whom he called “miss”, not to keep – were originally about rostering but “progressed” to sexual topics.

They included the phrases “what would u (sic) do without me?”, “U (sic) might start thinking I’m creepy” and “i (sic) can be cheeky”.

Judge Kudelka said the officer promised “rewards that started off with a hug and then a kiss and then” mutual sex acts.

The offending occurred, she said, in the officer’s private vehicle after he asked the girl if she was ticklish and said “I bet I can make you squirm”.

Afterwards, she said, the officer asked the girl if he “was going to get anything in return” because he had “initiated” the offending, and she replied “no”.

The girl had, she said, spent “about five to 10 minutes in the bathroom” after the offending “trying to get the taste of cigarettes out of her mouth”.

Judge Kudelka said the officer gave evidence at the trial and denied any wrongdoing, insisting there had been no sexual contact with the girl.

She rejected those claims, saying his evidence “lacks credibility” and sounded “scripted and rehearsed”, while the girl’s testimony was “genuine” and “showed consistency”.

She convicted the officer of all three offences and remanded him on continuing bail to face sentencing submissions next month.

Read related topics:Child Sex Offenders

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