
Leonardo Moreira Loureiro seeks delay, possible plea bargain, over alleged choking of food influencer Brenda Loveday

A famous former couple’s conversations have been tendered in court as he stands accused of assaulting her.

Celebrity chef Leonardo Loureiro faces domestic violence charges

More than 150 messages between a celebrity chef and the food influencer he allegedly choked must be considered before domestic violence charges progress, a court heard.

On Tuesday, Leonardo Moreira Loureiro was scheduled to enter his charges of aggravated assault without a weapon and choking, suffocating or strangling a person in a domestic setting.

However his lawyer, Michael Woods, argued that it should be postponed following the lodging of further evidence from the alleged victim, Brenda Loveday.

Adelaide chef Leonard Loureiro and ex-partner Brenda Loveday. Pics: Instagram.
Adelaide chef Leonard Loureiro and ex-partner Brenda Loveday. Pics: Instagram.

“Yesterday, I received an addendum declaration of not insignificant material, on which I need to obtain instructions... I was hoping for it earlier,” he said.

“It’s from the complainant... I have also received 155 pages of messages between them.”

Prosecutors have alleged Mr Moreira Loureiro, 32, of Seaton, choked Ms Loveday, a social media influencer with whom he used to co-own the Nina restaurant.

They have further alleged the incident left Ms Loveday in pain for eight days.

Mr Moreira Loureiro has argued “senior” prosecutors should speak with Ms Loveday before further pursuing him.

Celebrity chef Leonardo Loureiro faces domestic violence charges

On Tuesday, Mr Woods asked the case be postponed until next month.

“Lastly, but not unimportantly, the prosecutor and I are negotiating as to whether this matter might resolve down here (in the Magistrates Court) in any event,” he said.

Mitch Mott, prosecuting, did not oppose the adjournment.

Magistrate Brian Nitschke remanded Mr Moreira Loureiro on continuing bail until next month.

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