
District Court revokes Mate Falanga’s bail ahead of sentencing for grooming two pre-teen girls

The parents of girl who was groomed by a pervert on social media have told a court they fear their daughter may never be able to trust anyone again.

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A pervert groomed two pre-teen girls with social media and in text messages, calling them “cutie” and “princess”, a court has heard. One of the victim’s parents has asked how dare he do this to anyone – especially a child.

Mate Falanga’s bail was revoked during a pre-sentence hearing in the District Court on Monday, ahead of being sentenced to an inevitable prison term.

He was arrested in January after a tip-off from NSW police.

In a victim impact statement, the parents of one of the victims said jailing Falanga, 25, of Kilkenny, was their “deepest wish” because that was what he deserved “at a minimum”.

“How can (the victim) possibly trust or feel safe that an adult (who are supposed to guide and protect children) isn’t just using or abusing her for their own sexual feelings?” they said.

“How could you do this to anyone, but especially a child? How dare you do this to her or any other child?”

In her own statement, one of the girls, no older than 12, said she had trusted Falanga and “thought he cared” about her.

Prosecutor Peter Cannell said her short statement was “probably one of the most powerful victim impact statements from a child”.

“It shows the extent to which the communication and behaviour, including the grooming – the persistent nature of this communication – has had on this pre-teen child,” he said.

He said Falanga had “groomed” each of his victims, sending “kisses and love hearts”, telling one girl she was “adorable” and calling both “cutie” and “princess” and asking to see images of one of the girls in different outfits.

At an earlier hearing, the court heard communication also occurred over Snapchat and Facetime and that Falanga had exposed himself during video calls.

He told one of the girls to delete their messages, which she did.

“The communications, in my submission, also shows that clearly the accused not only had a sexual interest in both victims but became sexually excited,” Mr Cannell said.

Mr Cannell said an analysis of his devices indicated he had also engaged in conversations with two other 13-year-old girls and had used the terms “daddy” and “pedo” in internet search terms.

Falanga pleaded guilty to aggravated charges of procuring a child for sexual activity and two aggravated counts of making a child amenable to sexual activity.

Jon Lister, for Falanga, would be regarded as “a social disgrace for many years to come” with the consequences of his offending to impact on his life “way into the future”.

“He accepts that he bore the responsibility of ensuring that any communications of a sexual nature should never have occurred with either child,” he said.

He said Falanga and his fiancee, who was aware of the offending and remained supportive, maintained their plan to marry upon his eventual release.

Falanga was remanded in custody. He returns to court in September for sentence.

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