
Andrew Donald Steele accused of ‘depraved’ pay per view child abuse

A Yankalilla man has faced court accused of paying huge sums to international paedophiles to direct “seriously depraved” abuse via the internet.

A “seriously depraved” SA man paid international paedophiles almost $50,000 over six years to abuse little girls while he watched and directed their crimes via the internet, a court has heard.

Prosecutors have alleged Andrew Donald Steele’s offending was so “intense and severe” that his victims were abused as frequently as 300 times in just 24 days.

He was arrested by the state’s elite Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team as he stepped off a flight from Bali at Adelaide Airport last week.

In the Christies Beach Magistrates Court on Thursday, Mr Steele listened by video link as a prosecutor said JACET had built a strong case demonstrating the danger he posed to all children.

“He has paid more than $15,000 to one recipient for abuse involving a nine-year-old girl and $33,000 to recipients in the Philippines over at least six years,” she said.

Andrew Donald Steele. Picture: Facebook
Andrew Donald Steele. Picture: Facebook

“In one 24-day period, there were over 300 recorded instances of his (online) contact with the child victim, showing the intensity and severity of his offending.

“His Facebook messages are seriously depraved, showing he is a danger to children both in Australia and anywhere he can access online.”

Mr Steele, 65, of Yankalilla, has yet to plead to nine offences that, combined, carry a maximum 30-year prison term.

He is charged with one count each of persistently sexually exploiting a child outside of Australia, transmitting and producing exploitation material, and importing prohibited goods.

He is further charged with five counts of possessing or controlling child exploitation material.

It is alleged that, when passing through Customs at Adelaide Airport, Border Force officers found exploitation material on Mr Steele’s phone.

His arrest triggered further investigation by JACET, which allegedly found six electronic devices containing exploitation material throughout Mr Steele’s home.

Andrew Donald Steele arrested at Yankalilla. Picture: AFP
Andrew Donald Steele arrested at Yankalilla. Picture: AFP

On Thursday, the prosecutor asked Mr Steele be refused bail, citing the risk he posed not only to children but also the ongoing investigation.

“There is a likelihood he will interfere with or intimidate witnesses, or destroy evidence,” she said.

“There are ongoing investigations occurring offshore in relation to the victim and the adults who facilitated and allowed the abuse.

“He would only need access to one phone to contact that adult, and not even the strictest bail condition could offset that risk.”

Counsel for Mr Steele asked he be released on bail, citing his numerous health issues that would be more difficult to manage in custody.

They argued surrendering his passport and banning him from accessing the internet were sufficient to ease the prosecutor’s concerns.

The court disagreed, demanding Mr Steele in custody until later this month.

The decision visibly upset the large contingent of supporters – including Mr Steele’s wife – who had gathered in the court’s public gallery.

Outside court, AFP Sergeant Joe Barry said online child abuse was not a victimless crime.

“The persistent sexual abuse of a child through live streaming is abhorrent and causes real and significant harm to innocent victims,” he said.

“Those who seek out child exploitation material online should be warned – we will identify you and bring you to justice, no matter where you are in the world.”

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