First homes from massive housing development hit the market
A huge housing plan in Adelaide’s west is moving ahead, as more than 100 hit the market – with some going ‘cheap’.
A huge housing plan in Adelaide’s west is moving ahead, as more than 100 hit the market – with some going ‘cheap’.
Hundreds of homes rising to six storeys for families, retirees and the aged would be built on an aged-care home in Adelaide’s east.
Premier Peter Malinauskas has revealed his plan to ease the housing crisis and cut red tape for major projects.
More than 70 hectares of land will be turned into a massive new residential estate in Adelaide’s north in the hopes it will help ease the housing crisis. See footage.
Another multistorey apartment building has been proposed for busy Unley Rd, with a top-floor penthouse boasting multiple private balconies and wine cellar.
Sweeping changes would allow a new form of ‘co-living’, smaller apartments and six-storey retirement villages under a plan to address SA’s housing crisis.
A seven-storey apartment building by a boutique Adelaide developer would rise over shops along one of the city’s busiest roads.
Dry Creek’s salt fields will be turned into a master-planned community with a “minimum” of 15,000 homes under a push by the state government.
Affordable homes would be built in Adelaide’s most expensive suburbs – and developers required to offer more cheaper homes – under new plans.
Nearly 50 new dwellings would be built under a $28m plan for a six-storey apartment building to replace “unliveable” Housing Trust homes.
Multiple massive housing projects, together worth about $2bn, are opening up to developers and builders across the state, country and globe. Here’s how you can get in early.
Work will start on dozens of new, affordable homes in a five-storey complex under a $16.5m plan – part of an ambitious 2000-home push in five years.
Higher-density living along key urban corridors and new greenfields developments ringing the city are the core of a new 30-year master plan for Adelaide. See it here.
Two enormous road projects in Adelaide’s south costing about a billion dollars have hit major new milestones – see the video.
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