‘Unlock more land, not less’: Libs reveal major housing plan promise
Liberal leader Vincent Tarzia has unveiled his party’s official response to Premier Peter Malinauskas’s ambitious housing plan.
Liberal leader Vincent Tarzia has unveiled his party’s official response to Premier Peter Malinauskas’s ambitious housing plan.
Premier Peter Malinauskas has met with the world’s most valuable steel firm owner at his Mumbai mansion.
South Australia is on track to play a crucial role on election night even though it is no longer a battleground state, Paul Starick writes.
Direct flights from Adelaide to India may be one step closer after being discussed by Premier Peter Malinauskas in top-level meetings.
Opening up agricultural land for Adelaide homes would deliver a huge boost for the state economy and create thousands of jobs, research shows.
Premier Peter Malinauskas has revealed his plan to ease the housing crisis and cut red tape for major projects.
Drought-battered farmers in SA’s Mid North have a message for North Terrace – but they’re not sure anyone is listening to it.
As a record-breaking drought cripples our regions, farmers called Peter have called on another bloke called Peter (who runs the state) to take action and help.
Peter Malinauskas has set off on a five-day trip to India to attract international students – the first by a South Australian Premier in more than a decade.
Peter Malinauskas was uncharacteristically stern as he faced his new political opponent – but did anyone land a fatal blow? Read our debate breakdown and see who came out on top.
The claws were out as SA’s premier and opposition leader went head-to-head for the first time. But who impressed? Read the blog and have your say.
Premier Peter Malinauskas says Adelaide CBD towers should soar as high as possible as he launches the city’s first skyscraper. See the video and vote in our poll.
A union leader spearheading industrial action at a $45bn naval frigate project is being accused of disrespecting a job-saving campaign fronted by Premier Peter Malinauskas.
Jay Weatherill’s urban infill fantasy has been stymied by a new Premier planning to go all out instead. Bravo, writes Peter Goers.
Original URL: https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/topics/peter-malinauskas