
Farm Transparency Project protest pig welfare outside Victorian government building

Animal activists have left dead piglets on the steps of a state government building in an effort to seek immediate change to pig welfare.

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Protesters have left bodies of piglets on the steps of the Victorian state government offices in a bid to draw attention to pig welfare.

About 50 people gathered outside the Treasury Place offices where about a dozen dead piglets were placed on a white sheet.

Animal activists gathered outside the Victorian state government offices at Treasury Place to protest pig welfare. Picture: NewsWire / David Geraghty
Animal activists gathered outside the Victorian state government offices at Treasury Place to protest pig welfare. Picture: NewsWire / David Geraghty

The protest was organised by animal welfare advocacy group Farm Transparency Project after the group released a video, seen by NewsWire, showing Victorian piggeries the group claimed had mistreated the animals in its care.

“Over the weekend dozens of activists visited 20 Victorian piggeries, documented conditions and collected the bodies of dead piglets who had lost their lives at each facility,” the group stated on social media.

The group claims the activists “found sick, injured and dying piglets” as well as “sows with painful, infected sores” in filthy conditions.

The dead piglets allegedly found at these piggeries were brought to Treasury Place as part of Tuesday’s protest.

They claim the dead piglets came from piggeries activists visited across the state. Picture: NewsWire / David Geraghty,
They claim the dead piglets came from piggeries activists visited across the state. Picture: NewsWire / David Geraghty,

The Allan government has given its “in principle” support to phasing out gas stunning of pigs and the introduction of CCTV cameras in abattoirs following a parliamentary inquiry into the welfare of pigs in Victoria.

However, the government stated its support for phasing out the program was conditional on a national agreement on the phase out of gas stunning with viable commercial alternatives.

Protesters want more than ‘in principle’ support. Picture: NewsWire / David Geraghty
Protesters want more than ‘in principle’ support. Picture: NewsWire / David Geraghty

Farm Transparency Project said the government needed to do more than just provide support “in principle”.

“Despite expert testimony and hundreds of hours of footage showing the reality of pig farming and slaughter in Victoria, the Allan government chose to avoid making meaningful change,” the group said on social media.

“Instead, they supported the majority of recommendations – including those to ban cruel, outdated, intensive confinement systems such as sow stalls and farrowing crates and certain kinds of pig gas chambers – ‘in principle,’ essentially saying that they believe current practices are unsuitable but that they won’t be taking action to change them.

“The rally at the Premier’s office to send a message that Victorian pigs deserve more than just support ‘in principle’.

“They deserve real, meaningful and swift action to end the brutal suffering that they are forced to endure for nothing more than taste, tradition and convenience.”

Originally published as Farm Transparency Project protest pig welfare outside Victorian government building

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