
Maughan Thiem - AKA Ken McGregor is Port Adelaide Magpies coach

THE Port Adelaide Magpies coach - who was previously known as Ken McGregor - changed his name by deed poll to be the same as the car dealership on Monday.

THE Port Adelaide Magpies coach - who was previously known as Ken McGregor - changed his name by deed poll to be the same as the car dealership on Monday.

It followed an agreement ahead of the Port v Woodville-West Torrens game at Alberton on Sunday that the losing coach would become Maughan Thiem - a major sponsor of both clubs - for a week.

The marketing move is reminiscent of Geelong great Garry Hocking being named after cat food manufacturer Whiskas for a week while playing for the Cats in 1999.

The Magpies went down by 11 points, much to the chagrin of McGregor, or should we say, Thiem.

"It sank in a couple of hours after presentation," he says.

"I thought `why did I agree to do it?'

"Hopefully the time will pass very quickly."

McGregor, a News Limited journalist, says his work colleagues were the first to goad him about his new identity.

"I had a text from one as soon as I picked up my phone after the game and I've had a few emails with cars on them," he says.

"A couple of players mentioned it but there wasn't too much talk about it before or after.

"I haven't talked about it too much with the wife.

"But I don't regret doing it, it's great for Maughan Thiem who are great sponsors of the club and the Eagles."

A Magpies spokeswoman said the clubs would not make any money from the stunt and it was simply an opportunity to promote the sponsor.

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