
Essendon’s governance was shoddy, but ASADA and AFL have let us all down, writes Mark Robinson

COMMENT: WE all put faith in the AFL to govern with good grace and the Federal Government to govern properly. Everyone has been let down by both of them, writes Mark Robinson.

Essendon Asada final day wrap

FOR a moment, forget James Hird and banned drugs.

If the Essendon players took banned drugs, Hird’s a goner. So is Mark Thompson. So are Paul Little and the board members who reigned through 2011-12. So are the doorman, the bootstudder and the lovely ladies who have made lunches for the past 22 years.

Their judgment day is coming. The “show cause’’ notices are coming. ASADA has said so.

So, what have we learnt in the past three days, as alleged in the Federal Court, about procedures, processes, the truth and integrity of operations?


First, on an incredible Tuesday, former ASADA chief executive Aurora Andruska said everyone — Andrew Demetriou, Gillon McLachlan and Brett Clothier from the AFL, and John Lawler from the Australian Crime Commission — knew Essendon was the club suspected of taking performance-enhancing drugs.

“Is it Essendon?’’ McLachlan asked.

ACC: “Say no more.’’

Demetriou: “Not surprised.’’

They were from the notes of Andruska. Not the tea lady, not the intern, but the top dog of Australia’s anti-doping body. By all reports, it should have been called Trainwreck Tuesday.

Former ASADA chief Aurora Andruska was grilled for five hours in Federal Court on Tuesday. Picture: Norm Oorloff
Former ASADA chief Aurora Andruska was grilled for five hours in Federal Court on Tuesday. Picture: Norm Oorloff

Andruska didn’t know about key meetings, didn’t have records about whether they were allowed to conduct joint interviews, didn’t know if the AFL cut and pasted from the interim report. She didn’t know when the AFL joined ASADA investigators in interviews, she wasn’t asked whether it could be done, she didn’t know what material had been given to the AFL in the interim report. She had delegated, she said.

“I don’t recall,’’ was the too common answer.

What have we learnt about the AFL? It went to the prime minister’s office to expedite the process. It wanted an interim report to punish Essendon, despite being warned it could not use its contents for that purpose.

It wanted the interim report before the player interviews were completed. It wanted the interim report to paint an ugly, drug-infested environment at Essendon. It wanted to load up on the injection numbers. It wanted to omit evidence that didn’t suit its narrative from the interim report.

It wanted deals with the players in February. It wanted deals with Essendon and ASADA.

It wanted to isolate the coach because he wouldn’t take the deal.

Let’s bring back Hird.

Hird took the oath and told the truth as he knew it. He has been painted as selfish and not taking responsibility.

He didn’t agree with former board chairman David Evans, former chief executive Ian Robson and even current chairman Little, and has been barrelled for creating a wedge at the club

When was it a crime at a football club to disagree with people?

ASADA called Hird to testify, remember. Surely, when he’s in the Federal Court, and when he’s being asked questions under oath, he must tell the truth as he knows it.

The media commentary, in itself, has been fascinating, involving the Herald Sun, The Age and The Australian, as well as high-profile football types who admit in one breath they haven’t been closely following the case but in the next say Hird can’t possibly coach next season.

Some explore all sides, which include the drugs and the processes. Others explore the strongest tree on which to string up Hird and, at the same time, find a lettuce to slap the AFL and ASADA.

James Hird leaves Federal Court at lunch on Wednesday. Picture: Hamish Blair
James Hird leaves Federal Court at lunch on Wednesday. Picture: Hamish Blair

This week, one even praised McLachlan for his deal-making, which forced a hurried check to see whether McLachlan’s byline was on the story.

The narratives have been furiously opinionated and some personal, and for the past 12 months, divided on what’s important or not.

It doesn’t matter that Andruska has cast into serious doubt the word of Demetriou or the reputation of the AFL. No, this is all about Hird.

Doesn’t matter that the governance of ASADA has been torn to shreds in the Federal Court. No, Essendon may have given the players banned drugs and, for that, Hird can’t coach.

Doesn’t matter that the AFL is alleged to have broken its own anti-doping code. Let’s blame Hird.

Doesn’t matter that the AFL short-circuited the investigation to kick Essendon out of the finals. Let’s murder Hird.

As much as the players put faith in Essendon and its staff, we all put faith in the AFL to govern with good grace and in the Federal Government and its various departments, including ASADA, to govern properly.

Everyone has been let down by all of them.

You know what? Hird probably was the scapegoat, but at the same time, he probably also had to be punished because the supplement regimen led to all sorts of crazy activities.

It’s odd, though, because Hird got 12 months, club doctor Bruce Reid had all charges dropped a day before he was scheduled to take the AFL to the Supreme Court and Thompson was snipped $30,000, and he tried to stop it. Meanwhile, Stephen Dank and Dean Robinson might make money because they are taking legal action against anyone and everyone.

Anyhow, let’s try to get perspective. This week wasn’t about drugs, it was about governance and whether it was legal or not.

Essendon was punished for poor governance, but depending on your health and safety knowledge and who’s responsible for what, blame can be laid at many feet.


The AFL, we’ve learnt, had suspicions from 2011, when it “warned’’ Hird about peptides.

It was aware blood and urine samples of Essendon players had been sent to Germany in 2012, yet did nothing despite its grandstanding about players’ health being paramount.

McLachlan has already admitted the AFL could have acted earlier.

The Essendon board is next. Evans, as chairman, was responsible for everything at Essendon and so was his board.

He has so many questions to answer, not least to Hird’s testimony that he told Hird to lie to ASADA about the Demetriou tip-off.

And ASADA? It sounds as if it was the primary school lunch monitors trying to run Deakin University.

Yes, Essendon’s governance was shoddy, but clearly ASADA and the AFL hardly have degrees in process and management.

Originally published as Essendon’s governance was shoddy, but ASADA and AFL have let us all down, writes Mark Robinson

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