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‘Laugh or heave’: Mem Fox’s verdict on NAPLAN

‘Laugh or heave’: Mem Fox’s verdict on NAPLAN

Possum Magic author Mem Fox has unleashed on NAPLAN saying it demeans teachers, is a strain on kids, and one aspect of the national testing is “so ridiculous it just makes me want to either laugh or heave”.

Where SA ranks in NAPLAN results

Where SA ranks in NAPLAN results

SA students have scored above the national average in one school subject — but in 19 of the 20 tests our results left us lagging behind the rest of the country. See how each year level performed.

Tech glitches force 50,000 NAPLAN re-sits

Tech glitches force 50,000 NAPLAN re-sits

NAPLAN students had the “pretty traumatic” experience of tech issues in more than 50,000 assessments this year, the testing authority has revealed, with the writing exam suffering the most problems.

Teachers reveal hidden NAPLAN truths

Teachers reveal hidden NAPLAN truths

Australian teachers have revealed what parents must know about the controversial NAPLAN tests and what they show about their children.

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