
Domestic violence ends the lives of almost all the 46 Australian women killed in 2021

WARNING GRAPHIC: The dark murders of Hannah Clarke and her children at the hands of her ex Rowan Baxter sparked backlash with promises of change - but just 22 months later, little has happened. Now 46 female faces of violence can be revealed.

Hannah Clarke's parents bravely speak about her testimony against Rowan Baxter

Many pledges were made after Rowan Baxter murdered Hannah Clarke and her children in Camp Hill in February of 2020, yet the only thing that seems to be changing is the violence death toll. Journalist SHERELE MOODY reflects on the 46 Australian women killed in 2021.

Content warning: This article contains the names and photos of Indigenous woman lost to violence.


They say something shifted in our collective conscience when domestic violence thug Rowan Baxter cruelly and horrifically set his former partner Hannah Clarke and her children, Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey, on fire in a Camp Hill street early one morning in February of 2020

For the briefest of moments, this abhorrent public act of unmitigated brutality inspired our community to speak openly about violence against women.

So many of us on the front-line of women’s safety activism hoped that our nation would embrace tough conversations about gendered violence and that we would see an ever so subtle shift away from the drivers and factors lurking beneath the attitudes that give men – yes, it’s almost always men – permission to end lives.

This optimism was driven, at the time, by the messages of governments, community leaders, businesses and policy-makers who promised to provide desperately needed support services while appearing to condemn toxic masculinity.

But change is a slow beast and while we wait, more women are dying.

By my count, a total of 46 women have lost their lives to alleged acts of violence since January 1, 2021, making it evidently clear that Australia is still such a frustratingly long way from the reckoning we really need to end this crisis.

It’s just a matter of time before another Rowan Baxter commits another family massacre because remarkably little has been achieved despite the multitude of promises.

Yes, we’ve had talk fests.

Yes, we’ve had grand statements from political leaders including Scott Morrison.

Yes, we’ve had budgetary commitments worth more than $1 billion.

Yet scratch the surface and you‘ll see how fragile our nation’s commitment to changing this narrative really is.

For example, the Federal Government’s $145m national escaping violence payment trial looks great on paper but in reality relentless bureaucratic red tape makes it cumbersome and ineffective.

It’s unclear who is actually eligible for the $5000 in cash, vouchers and school and rental bond payments and most don’t know how the payments are supposed to work.

Illawarra Women’s Health Centre general manager Sally Stevenson recently described it as “extremely onerous and time consuming”.

“If anything, this program offers false hope that practical support is available, but in reality it does nothing to truly support women to escape violence,” she told a media outlet.

Hannah Clarke and her children Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey  Camp Hill were murdered in Camp Hill.
Hannah Clarke and her children Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey Camp Hill were murdered in Camp Hill.

There’s also been condemnation of the decision allowing domestic violence survivors to withdraw $10,000 from their superannuation savings in order to fund their own bid for safety.

Why should women – who already have lower super resources than men – be forced to use their retirement nest eggs to potentially save their own lives?

Abusers should foot this bill and if they can’t, then governments need to cover the costs that come with victims re-building their lives.

Many domestic and family violence services are yet to receive funding announced as part of the Federal Government’s 2020 Covid response.

Talking of the pandemic, courts and other legal services are overwhelmed by the tide of family violence cases, with police confirming increases in rates of abuse during lockdowns.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) this week released a report on family and domestic violence hospital admissions between 2010 and 2019.

Worryingly, Indigenous people - who make up 3.3% of the population - accounted for almost 30% of the 34,416 DFV hospital stays in the research period.

People hospitalised following domestic abuse were 10 times more likely to die than other patients, the AIHW found.

Around 70% of those hospitalised were female with most harmed by their partner.

 Doreen Langham died in a deliberately lit fire at her home in Myola Street, Browns Plains, on February 22, 2021.
Doreen Langham died in a deliberately lit fire at her home in Myola Street, Browns Plains, on February 22, 2021.

In the past year or so, governments splashed the cash on anti-violence media campaigns, but there’s been a litany of problems and controversy - the shocking ‘milk shake’ sex consent advert being the tip of the iceberg.

If we do not get the messaging right, we cannot influence how Australians view violence against women.

A flick through social media comments shows many people still victim blame when women are killed and they often question the authenticity of survivors who talk about their experience of abuse.

The push to roll out coercive control legislation is bogged down in hyperbole; we still do not have a much-needed national database of domestic violence perpetrators; and there’s a dearth of housing to accommodate the multitude of women and children escaping violence?

It seems that those in power are applying ineffective Band-Aids to the gaping wound that is our most pressing social justice issue.

I’m normally a glass half-full kind of person, but I’ll admit to feelings of despair, sadness and anger as I scroll through the long list of women lost to alleged murder, manslaughter and other unlawful acts this year.

I know intimately every one of these 46 stories because I – a journalist with no academic background in crime and justice and a private citizen with very scarce resources – choose to do the work of governments by documenting the killings of Australians as they happen.

This year’s roll call of deaths shows – as it always does - that violence permeates all parts of our society.

Lordy Ramadan.
Lordy Ramadan.

In 2021, we lost women who were young, elderly and middle-aged. There were mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers, there were women from multicultural and Indigenous communities, some were blue collar workers, some unemployed and others professional. Many were poor or middle class, while a few were wealthy.

Violence does not discriminate, but the way we respond as a community does favour certain victims.

The more a woman conforms to society’s extremely narrow view of beauty and youth, the more likely her death will make headlines and garner a communal outpouring of sympathy and anger.

Victims who are older, poor, unemployed, homeless, drug users, sex workers, Indigenous, multicultural, gender diverse or queer are less likely to attract attention.

Gendered violence continues to be the number one safety concern for women - of the females killed in 2021, all but three involved male suspects.

About 71 per cent of the deaths can be categorised as domestic violence.

It’s important to note that not every woman’s death was the result of family abuse - others were allegedly killed by people known to them, such as neighbours or colleagues. A small number of women were allegedly killed by strangers.


These deaths were compiled by journalist Sherele Moody as part of her work on The RED HEART Campaign.


Cassandra Brown.
Cassandra Brown.

CASSANDRA (SANDY) BROWN, 47, BOURKE: Cassandra (Sandy) Brown was allegedly stabbed to death in her home at Wortumertie Street, Bourke on March 13, 2021. Cassandra’s partner Kenneth James Knight, 50, has been charged with her murder.

Dee Annear.
Dee Annear.

DEE ANNEAR, 34, BULGA FOREST: The body of Dee Annear was found in a cabin at Pole Dump Forest Road, Bulga Forest on September 18, 2021. Dee’s partner Rohan Hanson, 38, is charged with her murder.

Denise Brameld.
Denise Brameld.

DENISE BRAMELD, 51, NUMBAA: Denise Brameld was allegedly killed in her home at Comerong Island Road, Numbaa, on June 11, 2021. Louis Woodham, 37, is charged with Denise’s murder.

Lydia Gacuma was killed in December.
Lydia Gacuma was killed in December.

LYDIA GACUMA, 67, RIVERWOOD: Lydia Gacuma was allegedly stabbed to death in Roosevelt Avenue, Riverwood, on December 5, 2021. Mahmoud Eleter is charged with her murder.

MICHELLE KEMP, 50, INVERELL: Michelle Kemp was stabbed to death by her husband Neville Michell in her home at Glenn Innes Road, Inverell on June 30, 2021. Michell also stabbed their daughter, who was taken to hospital but survived the attack. He ended his own life. “He was a bomb ready to happen,” Michell’s stepdaughter told The RED HEART Campaign shortly after the murder. “He was a narcissistic child rapist and woman basher. After he left my mum, he married Michelle and it was a violent relationship. Sadly he killed her just like he said he would. I’m happy he is dead - I’m going to sleep tonight for the first time in 38 years. This has to stop – enough woman and children have been killed or harmed.”

Min Sook Moon.
Min Sook Moon.

MIN SOOK MOON, 49, EPPING: Grocery store worker Min Sook Moon was allegedly killed shortly after she was last seen in Rawson Street, Epping, on March 8, 2021. Min’s partner Chulsoo Jung, 55, has been charged with her murder.

Stacey Klimovitch.
Stacey Klimovitch.

STACEY KLIMOVITCH, 61, STOCKTON: Grandmother Stacey Klimovitch was allegedly shot to death at her home in Queen Street, Stockton, on June 9, 2021. Stuart Daniel Campbell, 29, and Jason Hawkins, 46, are charged with her murder.

Susan and Glen Murray.
Susan and Glen Murray.

SUSAN MURRAY, 66, OBERON: Susan Murray and her husband Glenn, 68, were allegedly killed in their home at On-Avon Avenue, Oberon, on August 13, 2021. Their son Graeme Murray, 46, is charged with their murders.

A 42-year-old woman was killed in Deniliquin in November.
A 42-year-old woman was killed in Deniliquin in November.

UNNAMED WOMAN, 42, DENILIQUIN: A 42-year-old unnamed woman was allegedly bashed and set on fire at a home in Dick Street, Deniliquin on November 18, 2021. The woman’s brother, 31, is charged with her murder.


BARBARA CHABAUD, 62, SOUTH YARRA: Barbara Chabaud was allegedly killed at Surrey Road, South Yarra, on May 15, 2021. Daniel Waters, 41, is charged with her murder.

Carmen Niklaus.
Carmen Niklaus.

CARMEN NIKLAUS, 40, EVERTON: Carmen Niklaus was allegedly killed at the Everton Caravan Tourist Park, Everton, on December 6, 2021. A 43-year-old male is charged with her murder.

Ju (Kelly) Zhang.
Ju (Kelly) Zhang.

JU (KELLY) ZHANG, 33, EPPING: Mother-of-one Ju (Kelly) Zhang disappeared from her home in Winchester Avenue, Epping, around February 1, 2021. Ju’s partner Joon Seong Tan, 35, is charged with her murder.

Judy Bednar.
Judy Bednar.

JUDY BEDNAR, 78, CHELSEA: Judy Bednar was allegedly killed in her home at Drinan Road, Chelsea, on May 17, 2021. Judy’s son Thomas Bednar is charged with her murder.

Maryam Hamka.
Maryam Hamka.

MARYAM HAMKA, 36, BRUNSWICK: Maryam Hamka disappeared after attending the Woolworths in Albert Street, Brunswick, around April 13, 2021. Some four months later, Maryam’s partner Toby Loughnane, 41, was charged with her murder. Oscar Newman has been charged with assisting Loughnane.

Michelle Darragh.
Michelle Darragh.

MICHELLE DARRAGH, 32, BAYSWATER: Social worker and mother Michelle Darragh was killed in her home at Huntingdon Avenue, Bayswater North, on October 9, 2021. Michelle’s former partner Ben Coman is charged with murder. Michelle was pregnant with her third child. The baby could not be saved.

Maureen Miller died in July.
Maureen Miller died in July.

MAUREEN MILLER, 77, BLACKBURN: Maureen Miller was allegedly killed in her home at Whitehorse Road, Blackburn, between June 24 and July 5, 2021. Maureen’s son Allan Miller, 49, is charged with her murder.

Shanae Brooke Edwards.
Shanae Brooke Edwards.

SHANAE BROOKE EDWARDS, 31, TBILISI, GEORGIA: 31-year-old Victorian teacher Shanae Brooke Edwards was murdered on a hiking track at Mount Mtatsminda at Tbilisi in the European country of Georgia on July 31, 2021. Rafael Mursakulov has been charged over Shanae’s death.

Thanh Truong died in May.
Thanh Truong died in May.

THANH TRUONG, 48, ST ALBANS: Factory worker Thanh Truong was allegedly stabbed to death at her home in Andrea Street, St Albans, on May 23, 2021. Thanh’s former partner Juan Gonzalez, 76, is charged with her murder.

A 57-year-old woman was killed in Ascot Vale in January.
A 57-year-old woman was killed in Ascot Vale in January.

UNNAMED WOMAN, 57, ASCOT VALE: An unnamed woman died eight days after she was allegedly stabbed in a home at Wingate Avenue, Ascot Vale, on January 29, 2021. A 27-year-old female relative is charged with the woman’s murder.

A 26-year-old woman was killed in Noble Park in September.
A 26-year-old woman was killed in Noble Park in September.

UNNAMED WOMAN, 26, NOBLE PARK: An unnamed woman was allegedly stabbed to death at a home in Kelvinside Road, Noble Park on September 29, 2021. A man known to the woman is charged with her murder.


Angela Silk.
Angela Silk.

ANGELA SILK, 45, UPPER MOUNT GRAVATT: Grandmother Angela Silk was allegedly stabbed to death at her home in Wishart Road, Upper Mount Gravatt, on September 6, 2021. Angela’s partner Alex O’Sachy has been charged with her murder.

Doreen Langham.
Doreen Langham.

DOREEN LANGHAM, 49, BROWNS PLAINS: Doreen Langham died in a deliberately lit fire at her home in Myola Street, Browns Plains, on February 22, 2021. Police believe Doreen was killed by her former partner Gary Hely. Hely also died in the fire. Doreen had experienced abuse and was in fear of her life. She had changed the locks on her home, was living in a secure gated community and trying to do everything possible to remain safe. Doreen was given a domestic violence order just 11 days earlier. It restricted Hely’s access to her but he found ways to reach Doreen - including a few days before her death when he got into her home and threw her out a window.

Elizabeth Makara was killed in April.
Elizabeth Makara was killed in April.

ELIZABETH MAKARA, 68, PACIFIC PARADISE: Elizabeth Makara was killed on David Low Way, Pacific Paradise, on April 4, 2021. Police believe Elizabeth’s husband Robert Makara, 69, murdered her by deliberately driving his car into a tree. Makara also killed himself.

Giustina Lawlor (right).
Giustina Lawlor (right).

GIUSTINA KATERINA LAWLOR, 53, TAIGUM: Giustina Katerina Lawlor died at her home in Muller Road, Taigum, on May 8. 2021. Giustina’s son Cristian Dino Charles Lawlor, 22, is charged with her manslaughter.

Jennifer Board.
Jennifer Board.

JENNIFER BOARD, 22, THURINGOWA: Jennifer Board was allegedly killed on Ross River Road, Thuringowa, on February 5, 2021. Christopher Hughes, 25, is charged with murder over Jennifer’s death. Under Queensland law, a murder conviction can occur if the accused person is found to have committed a criminal act that is reckless or negligent and where death is a foreseeable and probable consequence of that action.

Kate Leadbetter and Matt Field.
Kate Leadbetter and Matt Field.

KATHERINE (KATE) LEADBETTER, 31, ALEXANDRA HILLS: 31-year-old interior designer Katherine (Kate) Leadbetter and her partner Matty Field, 37, were allegedly killed on Finucane Drive, Alexandra Hills, on January 26, 2021. A 17-year-old male is charged with their murders. Kate was expecting a baby when she died.

Kayla Golding.
Kayla Golding.

KAYLA GOLDING, 29, CONDON: Kayla Golding was allegedly stabbed to death in Riverway Drive, Condon, on May 21, 2021. Chante Lee White, 29, is charged with Kayla’s murder and Jamie Alan McAuliffe, 39, is charged with accessory after the fact to murder.

Kelly Wilkinson.
Kelly Wilkinson.

KELLY WILKINSON, 27, ARUNDEL: Mother-of-three Kelly Wilkinson was allegedly killed at her home in Spikes Court, Arundel, on April 20, 2021. Kelly’s former partner Brian Johnston, 34, has been charged with her murder and with breaching a domestic violence order.

Lordy Ramadan.
Lordy Ramadan.

LORDY RAMADAN, 48, LABRADOR: Lordy Ramadan was killed by her partner Craig Bouma, 53, at her home in the Sapphire Apartments, Labrador, on April 16, 2021. Bouma put Lordy’s body into a furniture chest then ended his own life some days later. Police found their bodies during a welfare check on April 23. “Family was first, it was a priority for her,” Lordy’s brother Alex told a media outlet. “She would bend over backwards – she would do anything.”

Qiong Yan.
Qiong Yan.


QIONG YAN, 30, HAMILTON: Qiong Yan disappeared from her home at Parkside Court, Hamilton. Her body was found at the apartment complex on July 20 by police undertaking a missing person’s investigation. Her housemate Yang Zhao, 26, is charged with Qiong’s murder.

Rene Latimore.
Rene Latimore.

RENE LATIMORE, 31, SARINA: Mother-of-one Rene Latimore disappeared from Sarina between August 9 and August 18, 2021. Her body was found some two weeks later at Ilbilbie. A 17-year-old male is charged with Rene’s murder.

Robyn Beever.
Robyn Beever.

ROBYN BEEVER, 82, VARSITY LAKES: Robyn Beever was allegedly killed in her home at Gerona Circuit, Varsity Lakes, on February 25, 2021. Robyn’s husband Max Beever, 82, is charged with her murder.


Cherry Gerente-Ogar.
Cherry Gerente-Ogar.

CHERRY GERENTE-OGAR, 37, PORT HUGHES: 37-year-old mother-of-one Cherry Gerente-Ogar died in hospital around 12 days after she was allegedly beaten at her home in Port Hughes, on August 4, 2021. Cherry’s husband Antony Ogar, 58, is charged with her murder.

Jasmeen Kaur.
Jasmeen Kaur.

JASMEEN KAUR, 21, NORTH PLYMPTON: Aged care worker Jasmeen Kaur was allegedly killed after she was allegedly abducted from the Southern Cross Care facility, North Plympton, on March 5, 2021. Tarikjot Singh, 20, is charged with Jasmeen’s murder.

Rachel Martin.
Rachel Martin.

RACHEL MARTIN, 44, MOUNT GAMBIER: Mother-of-three Rachel Martin was allegedly bashed to death in her home at Chestnut Close, Mount Gambier, on July 12, 2021. Rachel’s partner Luke Simpson, 34, is charged with her murder.


Ms R. Rubuntja.
Ms R. Rubuntja.

MS R RUBUNTJA, 46, ALICE SPRINGS: Anti-violence advocate Ms R. Rubuntja was killed outside the Alice Springs Hospital, Alice Springs, on January 7, 2021. Ms Rubuntja’s partner Malcolm Abbott, 49, is charged with her murder.

A 48-year-old woman was killed in Coconut Grove in August.
A 48-year-old woman was killed in Coconut Grove in August.

UNNAMED WOMAN, 48, COCONUT GROVE: A 48-year-old unnamed woman was allegedly killed in her home at Progress Drive, Coconut Grove, on August 27, 2021. Her partner John Mayatjun, 50, is charged with her murder.

A 34-year-old mother-of-one was killed in Hidden Valley in November.
A 34-year-old mother-of-one was killed in Hidden Valley in November.

UNNAMED WOMAN, 34, HIDDEN VALLEY: A 34-year-old unnamed mother-of-one died after she was set on fire by her partner at Hidden Valley, on November 5, 2021. The man. 36, died from burns in hospital a week later.


Gabrielle Marshall.
Gabrielle Marshall.

GABRIELLE MARSHALL, 23, ULVERSTONE: Mother-of-one Gabrielle Marshall was allegedly stabbed to death at a home in Main Street, Ulverstone, on June 15, 2021. Colin William Drake, 35, is charged with her murder.


DUSTY ROSE, 22, CAVERSHAM: Dusty Rose was allegedly stabbed to death at the Caversham Discovery Park, Benara Road, Caversham, on August 16, 2021. Antoinette Aleisha Winmar, 31, is charged with Dusty’s murder.

Janet Dweh.
Janet Dweh.

JANET DWEH, 36, DAYTON: Nurse and pregnant mum-of-three Janet Dweh was allegedly murdered in her home at Mataro Road, Dayton, on October 3-4, 2021. Hassan Jabbie, 50, is charged with her murder. Janet was weeks away from giving birth. Her unborn child could not be saved.

Ms Waterloo was killed in October.
Ms Waterloo was killed in October.

MS WATERLOO, 31, KUNUNURRA: Ms Waterloo was allegedly killed and her body left in bushland near Kununurra on October 9, 2021. Warrwick Walkerbear, 27, has been charged with her murder.

Stephanie Lee Robinson.
Stephanie Lee Robinson.

STEPHANIE LEE ROBINSON, 30, DOUBLEVIEW: Stephanie Lee Robinson died in a fire at a home in Ravenscar Street, Doubleview, on January 2, 2021. Stephanie’s partner Chudier Pal, 29, is charged with her murder.

An 18-year-old woman was killed in Spearwood in August.
An 18-year-old woman was killed in Spearwood in August.

UNNAMED WOMAN, 18, SPEARWOOD: An 18-year-old unnamed woman died in hospital shortly after she was allegedly stabbed at Galian Way, Spearwood, on August 3, 2021. No one is charged.

*For 24-hour domestic violence support call the national hotline 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or MensLine on 1800 600 636. The Suicide Call Back service is on 1300 659 467.

News Corp’s Sherele Moody has multiple journalism excellence awards for her work highlighting violence in Australia. Sherele is also an Our Watch fellow, the founder of The RED HEART Campaign and the creator of the Australian Femicide & Child Death Map and All That Remains: The Memorial to Women and Children Lost to Violence. TWITTER: @Sherelemoody; FACEBOOK:

Originally published as Domestic violence ends the lives of almost all the 46 Australian women killed in 2021

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