
Taming the dragon: Can the United States salvage its superpower status in Asia?

IT’S a war the United States is not prepared to fight. After decades facing off against Russia in Europe, and a ‘whack-a-mole’ approach to containing extremists in the Middle East, it finds itself stumbling in its ‘pivot’ to Asia.

International strategic think-tank the RAND Corporation has made a comprehensive assessment of US military capabilities in the face of an increasingly unstable world.

To do this it has analysed the outcome of extensive war games conducted by itself and other institutions, and assessed published reports on the capabilities and strategies of the key players.

It finds the US woefully unprepared.

“In an increasingly interdependent world, US security and prosperity depend on the ability to influence actors and shape events beyond our borders. Arguably, no region is more significant for global prosperity and stability than the Asia Pacific,” it reads.

The significance of the region was recognised as early as George W. Bush’s presidency, and culminated in President Barack Obama’s declared ‘pivot’ to Asia.

But the ability of the US to exert that influence is waning.

And the potential for conflict in Asia is growing.


“No more than six years ago, South East Asia was a relative strategic backwater for the United States,” the report reads. “Before 2010, the major source of concern for the US government in this region was the prospect that Salafist-jihadism would flourish in either the southern Philippines or Indonesia.”

But things have changed. Dramatically.

“China’s leaders now seem to believe that they have at their disposal the military wherewithal to impose their will in the region, at least through assertive, if not overtly bellicose initiatives.”

This can be seen in Beijing’s forceful push into the South China Sea, building up a chain of artificial island fortresses in contravention of international law. There’s the growing friction between it and Japan over the Senkaku Island Chain in the East China Sea. And then there’s unfinished business: the last outpost of the old Republic of China — Taiwan.

“The rebalance initiative sprang from recognition of the region’s growing importance and from deep-seated concerns — in Washington, as well as in allied capitals — that the ability of the United States to underwrite its security commitments in the Asia-Pacific region was eroding in the face of the relentless growth of China’s military capabilities.”


China is determined to claim its place under the sun.

Beijing has in recent decades repeatedly outlined its objective to control the air and sea in an area defined as the ‘First Island Chain’, essentially an aggressive boundary pushing up against the shores of Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam.

“Simultaneously, the Chinese are developing and fielding an array of air, naval, and missile forces to put at risk US and allied military capabilities out as far as the Second Island Chain, which includes the home islands of Japan, the US territory of Guam and the Mariana Islands, and the rest of the Philippine archipelago,” the RAND report finds.

To do so, it’s happy to splash the cash.

Beijing’s military spending has been growing in leaps and bounds — to a total of 480 per cent between 2000 and 2014.

“That spending has been well-focused on the full range of capabilities appropriate for an “active defence” strategy aimed at “winning local wars under informationised conditions” — a strategy that has been interpreted as intended to deter or prevent the United States from effectively defending its interests and allies in the East Asian littoral,” the study argues.

“China’s pursuit of military capabilities suited to countering US power projection operations has been greatly facilitated by the proliferation of many of the sorts of technologies and systems that have given US forces such dominance over those of its regional adversaries in the post-Cold War era: systems for real-time reconnaissance, data transmission and processing, precision guidance, robotics, propulsion, and even stealth technology.

“As China has mastered these capabilities, it has been able to pose growing challenges to the ability of US forces to project power into its region. And this, in turn, has raised questions about the credibility of US security guarantees there.”


China’s modernised military poses credible challenges to US supremacy in all aspects of warfare — air, sea, land, space, and cyberspace.

“Without substantial and sustained increases in investments in new equipment and operating concepts, the credibility of US security guarantees to allies and partners in East Asia will continue to erode,” the report says.

China’s new bomber force can carry cruise missiles far out into the Pacific Ocean. Picture: Xinhua
China’s new bomber force can carry cruise missiles far out into the Pacific Ocean. Picture: Xinhua

Long-range missiles:

This has been a major focus for Beijing — building up masses of fast, accurate ballistic and cruise missiles which can reach out into the Pacific as far as the US bases on the island of Guam. The missiles “pose serious threats” to facilities such as runways, hangars, fuel and ammunition dumps — as well as command centres and infrastructure such as ports and power facilities.

But the greatest threat is against the pride of the US military — its enormous nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. An array of ballistic and cruise missiles has been assembled that can be launched from the land, air or sea against these behemoths. As an example, the report warns a single strike of 32 H-6K medium bombers could unleash a torrent of 192 land-attack or anti-ship cruise missiles.

“As a result, forward-based forces on land and at sea can now be vulnerable to being damaged or destroyed before they get to the fight,” the report warns.

The US is not ignorant of the threat. It has been investing heavily in defence systems including AEGIS radar destroyers armed with SM3 interceptor missiles, and land-based THAAD area defence missiles.

“However, these defensive systems are expensive, take time to deploy, and have not thus far consistently achieved high probabilities of kill against the most-capable threat systems. As a consequence, these systems can be overwhelmed by large salvo attacks, with their supplies of missiles exhausted or destroyed and taken out of the fight.”

China’s air force has flown H-6K bombers and J-11 fighters through two strategic channels near Taiwan and also over the disputed South China Sea during training drills. Picture: Xinhua
China’s air force has flown H-6K bombers and J-11 fighters through two strategic channels near Taiwan and also over the disputed South China Sea during training drills. Picture: Xinhua

Fighter aircraft:

Beijing has been rapidly expanding its air force with both new types purchased from Russia, as well as designs of its own.

Putting aside highly publicised advances in stealth for the moment, the report says the J-11 fighter (based on the Russian Su-27) which makes up the bulk of its frontline force has comparable performance to the US F-15 Eagle.

“These aircraft can operate over areas not well covered by SAMS (surface to air missiles), threatening both combat aircraft (fighters and bombers) and support assets, such as aerial refuelling and surveillance aircraft … Equipped with modern air-to-air missiles and backed by robust networks for command and control, Russian and Chinese fighters today present a far more formidable challenge to air superiority than any adversary the United States has faced since the Cold War.”

The RAND report warns China would be keen to prevent advanced US aircraft such as the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning from being able to assert their dominance over the battlefield.

“Chinese commanders would strive to limit the flow of US combat aircraft into the theatre and into the fight by launching heavy attacks on US forward operating bases. Therefore, it is likely that in a future conflict involving China, US and allied air forces would have to fight outnumbered, at least in the conflict’s early phases.”

Fighters move into position for launch aboard China's first aircraft carrier, Liaoning. Picture: Xinhua
Fighters move into position for launch aboard China's first aircraft carrier, Liaoning. Picture: Xinhua

Naval power projection:

China is building more warships now than any other nation. It’s aiming to build well balanced fleets centred on aircraft carriers, supported by large and advanced missile destroyers and cruisers.

It’s already begun practising the operation of such a complex formation with the refurbished aircraft carrier it bought from Ukraine, now named Liaoning.

But Beijing is not just seeking to copy United States doctrine. Instead its forces are focused on establishing control over the ‘First Island Chain’, with a new array of amphibious assault ships designed to operate under a missile umbrella from the mainland and supporting naval forces.

China's submarine force now includes nuclear-powered attack and ICBM carrying vessels. Picture: Xinhua
China's submarine force now includes nuclear-powered attack and ICBM carrying vessels. Picture: Xinhua

Submarine warfare:

It’s also modernising its submarine fleet, building nuclear-powered vessels and equipping them with a new generation of long-range anti-ship cruise missiles.

“While the (US Department of Defence) judges that the PLAN’s (People’s Liberation Army Navy) deepwater antisubmarine warfare capability “seems to lag behind its air and surface warfare capabilities,” it notes that China “is working to overcome shortcomings in this and other areas.”

The RAND report also notes China has embarked upon a program of developing unmanned underwater vehicles, likely designed to seek out any opposing submarines operating in the South and East China Seas.

Long-range air-defence radars and missiles pose a significant challenge to non-stealth aircraft. Picture: Xinhua
Long-range air-defence radars and missiles pose a significant challenge to non-stealth aircraft. Picture: Xinhua

Air defence:

Like Russia, China has placed strong emphasis on building up capable radar and missile networks aimed at providing the ability to shoot down aircraft and missiles out to 200km.

While initially buying such equipment from Russia, the report says China has since reverse-engineered this technology and have added their own refinements.

“The radars and missile launchers are mounted on mobile vehicles, making them difficult to locate and target. When such systems are fielded in sufficiently dense arrays and supported by survivable command-and-control facilities, suppressing these modern integrated air defence systems can be difficult, dangerous, and time consuming.”

Modern warships, aircraft, tanks and soldiers rely heavily on a constant stream of information being transmitted to the battlefield. Picture: USN
Modern warships, aircraft, tanks and soldiers rely heavily on a constant stream of information being transmitted to the battlefield. Picture: USN

Information wars:

The United States is heavily reliant on advanced sensors and communications systems to give its combat jets, ships and soldiers a complete picture of the battlefield — lifting much of the confusion that is the ‘fog of war’.

China, however, is seeking to reinstate that fog — “crippling the ability of US forces to locate, identify, track, and target”.

“China, for instance, has fielded large numbers of electronic jamming systems to degrade US theatre communications. According to DoD, the PLA is acquiring a range of new space and counterspace capabilities. These include directed energy weapons and satellite jammers, as well as a direct-ascent kinetic kill capability against satellites in low-earth orbit. PLA writings emphasise the necessity of “destroying, damaging, and interfering with the enemy’s reconnaissance ... and communications satellites.”

Nuclear deterrent:

North Korea isn’t the only nation seeking to improve its intercontinental ballistic missile technology. China has also taken huge strides in this arena.

The report says Beijing has successfully developed a new generation of solid-fuel ICBM, dubbed the DF-41. The missile is believed to be armed with a multiple, independently targeted re-entry warhead (MIRV) warhead system. It’s intended to replace China’s existing force of liquid-fuelled ICBMs, currently housed in silos across the country.

“China today fields approximately 260 nuclear weapons supporting a doctrine of second strike minimal deterrence … In any case, a future major conflict with China in Asia would take place under the shadow of China’s modernising and more diversified nuclear capability.”


The United States of the 2020s has disturbing parallels for Australia. In the 1930s, the waning British Empire was struggling to maintain the ascendancy of its long-dominant navy.

It promised repeatedly that, in the event of a war with Japan, it was more than capable of sending a credible force to defend its interests in South East Asia and the Pacific — including Australia and New Zealand.

But in the end, the worst case scenario unfolded. Britain found itself fighting alone against the Nazis and Fascists in Europe. It was a fight in which it sustained heavy losses.

So, when Japan made its move in December 1941, Britain struggled to assemble even a token force to deter an invasion of Singapore. Force Z, comprising the battleship HMS Prince of Wales and the battlecruiser Repulse, was comprehensively outmatched and quickly sunk.

Could history repeat itself, as the baton of the world’s leading superpower begins to pass from the United States to China?

Presenting a strong front is vital in the face of any heightening of tensions between the two regional powers, the RAND report says.

The report recommends US naval warships — such as an aircraft carrier strike group — should be rapidly deployed to reinforce forces already in the front line.

“Rapid aerial reinforcement is possible with the deployment of additional reconnaissance and combat aircraft in the region,” it says. “Armed with LRASMs (long range air-surface missiles), such aircraft could maintain situational awareness over large portions of the South China Sea and help to deter Chinese aggression.

“Forward operation bases used by US forces in the Philippines could be protected from cruise missile attacks by terminal air defence units … Much more potent offensive firepower is also available. Heavy bombers, such as B-1Bs and B-52s armed with LRASMs62 or sea mines, can conduct operations from Guam and Australia.”

A RAAF KC-30A Multi-role Tanker Transport from RAAF Base Amberley provided refuelling operations for USAF B-1B Lancers in addition to RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornets and E/A-18G Growlers during Exercise Lightning Focus. Picture: Defence
A RAAF KC-30A Multi-role Tanker Transport from RAAF Base Amberley provided refuelling operations for USAF B-1B Lancers in addition to RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornets and E/A-18G Growlers during Exercise Lightning Focus. Picture: Defence

But, in order to give such a reaction force credible strength, RAND has listed a series of “Priority Enhancements” for US and allied forces operating in Asia:

• ACCELERATED development and fielding of a longer-range, fast-flying radar-homing air-to-surface missile and a longer-range air-to-air missile.

• FORWARD-based stocks of air-delivered munitions, including cruise missiles, SAM suppression missiles and air-to-air missiles.

• PROPOSITIONED equipment and sustainment for ten to 15 platoons of modern short-range air-defence systems for cruise missile defence

• ADDITIONAL base resiliency investments, including airfield damage repair assets and expedient aircraft shelters, and personnel and equipment to support highly dispersed operations

• ACCELERATED development of the Next-Generation Jammer

• A HIGH-altitude, low-observable unmanned aerial vehicle system

• MORE resilient space-based capabilities (achieved by dispersing functions across increased numbers of satellites and increasing the maneuverability, stealth, and “hardness” of selected assets)

• COUNTER-space systems, including kinetic and non-kinetic (lasers, jammers) weapons.

131019-N-UP035-398 GULF OF OMAN (Oct. 19, 2013) The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) is underway during sunset. Harry S. Truman, flagship for the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations, supporting theater security cooperation efforts and supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Mike DiMestico/Released)

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