
Exploding the myth that dying star Eta Carinae will kill us all

AS stars go, Eta Carinae is big. It’s old. It’s volatile. And it’s about to blow. So will it really kill us all?

The eyes of astronomers have been on this star for decades. And with good reason: It’s about to go supernova.

This may already have happened: A supercharged mass of subatomic particles could be blasting its way across the gulf of space towards us.

This is what has certain social media sectors alarmed: The enormous flare generated by the collapse of a star more than 100 times bigger than our own could produce a radiation burst powerful enough to kill us all.

As such, Eta Carinae has been dubbed the “Death Star”.

After all, some scientists speculate such a sterilising pulse has already caused at least one mass extinction on Earth. Others say it may be why we are yet to meet aliens: Most may have been killed off by these semi-regular interstellar explosions.

It’s a story of such persistence that it has even prompted the otherwise sedate Scientific American to address the idea.

The simple answer is: It could, but it won’t.

It will, however, produce a spectacular light show.

It’s an enormous star — 120 times the weight and 240 times the size of our Sun.

“It’s so bright it’s literally tearing itself apart by the strength of its own light and heat,” says Swinburne University astrophysicist Dr Alan Duffy.

“We have no idea how it managed to survive the enormous explosion that flung 10 times the mass of our Sun outwards and we definitely don’t know if the next will be the last.”

You can find roughly where it is by finding the Southern Cross, looking at the closest of its “pointers” — and flipping that position to the cross’ other side. This is a region called the Carinae Nebula.

This dying star is not near: And that’s why we are safe. It is some 7500 light years away.

While the after-effects of such titanic explosions have filled thousands of frames of photos from the likes of the space telescope Hubble, capturing the moment of a star’s death has been much more elusive.

This is why so much telescope time has been devoted to watching Eta Carinae: The convulsions of its death throes are a unique insight into the processes which power our stars.

Eta Carinae is eating itself.

The best fuel has already been burnt, so now less stable substances are roiling around in the star’s core — causing “puffs” of star-stuff to be cast off into the interstellar winds.

How much longer the star will last depends on what it’s “burning” now: If it’s helium, it could last for several hundred thousand years. If its oxygen or carbon, its life can be numbers in years — a century at the most.

But this star is a confused cauldron of action and reaction — complicated even further by a “small” (it’s 30 times bigger than the Sun) companion star in close orbit.

University of California astrophysicist Stan Woosley told Scientific American: “No one knows just what’s going on there … It could die tomorrow or a long time from now.”

And as a specialist in modelling the life cycle of stars, he regards that to be astronomy’s “biggest embarrassment”.

Your standard exploding star is big, bright and brutal.

Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB) are even bigger. They produce one of the brightest explosions of the known universe.

When a star dies, its depleted core collapses in on itself. In the case of a star that is spinning, this collapse can cause its outer surface to whip around even faster like a figure skater pulling in their arms. Such spinning gas can superheat into a whirling plasma that can approach the speed of light itself.

Once the star’s core begins to collapse into a black hole, this spinning plasma twirls the star’s magnetic field into a ‘tornado’ sitting above the poles. This focuses the star’s eruptions into beams moving at almost the speed of light.

These then tear through the material close to the star — transforming into a flood of gamma-ray radiation which fly out light a laser beam into space.

“Suffice to say you do not want to be in the crosshairs of this,” Dr Duffy says.

The worst-case scenario of gamma-ray impact would be similar to a nuclear war — only much worse.

In a flash, life on Earth would be over.

A brief burst of light would sear the side of the planet facing the supernova with intense radiation. Forests would ignite. Asphalt would combust. Buildings would burn.

Subatomic muons would pierce the atmosphere, seas — even deep into the Earth’s crust — to tear apart living cells and sterilise life.

Those on the other side of the planet would not be spared for long: The ozone layer will have evaporated and enormous clouds of soot would quickly circle the planet.

But that’s by far the worst case scenario. The impact of a GRB moves along a sliding scale based upon how far into the burst’s “beam” we are, and how far away it is.

The most plausible threat, says Dr Alan Duffy, is from a middle-distance Gamma-Ray Burst. “Rather than directly destroying life on Earth it would remove the Ozone layer leaving us unprotected from the Sun’s UV and let our closest star do the dirty work of wiping out most land-based life,” he says.

One study in recent decades postulated that this has already happened.

A Gamma-Ray Burst has been tentatively put forward as the cause of the Ordovician mass extinction (which saw Earth lose 80 per cent of its living species) some 440 million years ago.

Perhaps someday a ‘Death Star’ will again impact Earth. But it won’t be Eta Carinae.

“There’s no danger from this star exploding even as a GRB as we simply aren’t close enough to it and it’s not pointing in our direction in any case,” Dr Duffy says.

Many astrophysicists don’t think this star meets the conditions necessary to generate a Gamma-Ray Burst. Even if it did, the closest of its searchlight-tight radiation beams angles away from us by about 40 degrees.

If, by some cosmic conspiracy, the star was to suddenly tilt towards us — we’d still be safe.

“It would have to be really close for a sterilisation event — well within 100s of light years not the thousands like Eta Carinae,” Dr Duffy says.

By the time the pulse of subatomic particles have crossed the 7500 light years between Earth and Eta Carinae, it will have dissipated dramatically. Those that remain would produce a flash as bright as the full moon — but little else. Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere would deflect most of those harmful subatomic particles that make it here.

What is certain is that astrophysicists will continue to watch Eta Carinae in fascination.

A Gamma-radiation burst is still a possibility. So, too, is a somewhat “standard” supernova. But some are putting their money on Eta Carinae quietly slipping itself into a black hole without much interstellar ado.

Whatever the outcome, what we learn will take our astronomical community by storm.


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