
Deloitte releases ambitious vision for the future of South Australia

A MASSIVE expansion of public transport, a multibillion-dollar fund to bolster investment in the state and an independent infrastructure body are key elements of an ambitious roadmap to fire up the South Australian economy.

Consulting firm Deloitte says “South Australia could be home to two million people and a thriving $134 billion economy by 2027’’ if a number of interlocking policy ideas, with the key goal of growing the state’s population, were enacted.

In its Make it a plan Adelaide report — the culmination of six months’ work - Deloitte also argues Adelaide needs to realise it is a substantial city in world terms - bigger than Oslo, New Orleans and Bordeaux - and should proudly market itself to the world as a great place to visit, live and work.

Among the most ambitious of the 25 ideas proposed in the report was creating “an extensive tram network’’ to all four points of the compass, and investing more in rail, potentially linking the wine regions of the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale to the city.

Deloitte suggested new tram and train lines that could link the Barossa Valley to the city.
Deloitte suggested new tram and train lines that could link the Barossa Valley to the city.

The creation of a multi-billion dollar “South Australian Investment Corporation”, seeded with public sector superannuation money, would create both investment and career opportunities in the finance sector.

It would have an investment mandate focused on returns to public sector investors, rather than requiring investments in a certain geographic region that could dilute returns. Therefore, SAIC could invest in SA projects if they stacked up, but not exclusively.

And a new independent statutory authority, Building South Australia, should be set up to “take the politics out of infrastructure investment and build a robust roadmap of infrastructure and project development’’.

Other ideas included a possible third SA Health and Medical Research Institute building on North Terrace and developing the space above the Adelaide Central Market — “whether that be luxury apartments or food and beverage research labs’’.

The report paints a glowing future for SA, focused on taking advantage of our existing areas of strength, such as liveability, a highly educated workforce, and natural advantages such as the state’s agricultural and wine sectors.

Deloitte South Australia Managing Partner Andrew Culley said the report focused on how SA could grow its population to two million people by 2027 — adding $5.4 billion to the economy annually — but doing it in a way which also added to the state’s liveability.

Deloitte Shaping Future Cities: Adelaide

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the state is on track to reach two million people by 2036.

“We all want the same thing — a big future for our city and state, and one where we truly embrace the future, play a significant role in Australia’s economic and cultural life, and take a well-earned place on the global stage,’’ Mr Culley said.

“We want young couples to choose Adelaide as a great place to build careers and start a family.

“We want to change the mind of a businessperson in Sydney or Singapore choosing where to invest. We want migrants around the world considering South Australia as a place to transform their lives.”

If we succeeded in attracting the necessary 131,000 extra people to SA, above current population growth forecasts, by 2027, the economic outcomes would be strongly positive, the report says.

The state’s current population is about 1.7 million, due to reach 2 million by 2036.
The state’s current population is about 1.7 million, due to reach 2 million by 2036.

“We found that gross state product (GSP) will be, on average, $5.4 billion larger each year compared to baseline forecasts.

“By 2027, GSP will be 8 per cent higher than the baseline. Overall, the scenario is estimated to lead to an additional $38 billion in economic activity in South Australia over 10 years in net present value (NPV) terms.’’

But to do this we will need to slow the brain drain to the eastern states, and increase our overseas migrant intake, which sits at about 5 per cent of the national total.

“Overall, net interstate migration needs to see a fairly quick return to what we saw in the early 1990s, with the number of people leaving South Australia roughly equal to the number arriving,’’ the report says.

South Australian gross state product under baseline and 2027 target.
South Australian gross state product under baseline and 2027 target.

“Unfortunately, in 2016 we lost a net 6900 people to other states — the worst result in some time, showing that we have some way to go.’’

A worrying finding in the report was that “there are fewer young people aged between 15 and 34 living in South Australia today compared to the mid-1980s’’.

The proposed expansion in public transport would mean that Adelaide could become a “city of villages” in which people could chose to live in more vibrant medium and higher density areas with shopping and government facilities in walking distance, or chose to live further out in the suburbs.

But crucially the increased population would not lead to a decrease in living standards.

More people would live within walking distance to shops like the Central Market. Picture: AAP / Dean Martin
More people would live within walking distance to shops like the Central Market. Picture: AAP / Dean Martin

Deloitte Access Economics director Aaron Hill said it was key “not to lose sight of the things we know are so good about Adelaide and our state’’.

“We’ve carefully modelled what the economy of a bigger Adelaide might look like. We describe where and how people might live. And we’ve mapped out how this might transform our city.

“By concentrating population growth to the CBD and key urban villages, and modestly increasing density along new transit corridors, most parts of Adelaide won’t see much change from a growing population.

“And while government policy settings and initiatives are important, we believe that delivering this stronger future can be driven by the private sector.”

Tourism growth, celebrating our status as the Festival State, and doubling down on the Central Market precinct to take advantage of what was a world-class tourist attraction were also key elements of the report.

The full report can be read here

Deloitte report into future of Adelaide



What will Adelaide look like in 2027? A state home to two million people and a $134 billion economy. A place where there are choices to be made about how and where to live, work and relax.


Core to our plan is boosting South Australia’s population to two million people by 2027, and attracting the best and brightest to choose South Australia as their home. But we’re not just looking to get to 2 million people because we like big numbers — rather, a return to sustainable population growth will be a signal of our state’s growing economic prosperity and create scale for our businesses to thrive. To reach a population of 2 million, an extra 277,000 people will need to choose to call South Australia home by 2027. To put it one way, we need to almost double our population growth compared to the baseline from now until 2027.

South Australia would have to double its population growth to reach two million by 2027. Picture: Matt Loxton
South Australia would have to double its population growth to reach two million by 2027. Picture: Matt Loxton


One opportunity for attracting more highly skilled finance professionals to Adelaide is the creation of a South Australian Investment Corporation. Seeded by a sufficient level of public sector superannuation funds to create critical mass, and established to operate as an independent fund manager, the South Australian Investment Corporation could have a similar impact on the industry in Adelaide as QIC did on Brisbane. Key learnings from Queensland Investment Corporation that should be applied are creating an investment mandate focused on returns to its public sector investors, rather than requiring investments in a certain geographic region that could dilute returns.

A highly qualified senior management team remunerated accordingly and an independent board would be vital to deliver this investment mandate. The South Australian Investment Corporation would also have the ability to invest directly into underlying assets, not restricted to investing as a fund-of-fund as some existing management agencies are.


A new independent statutory agency, Building South Australia, could take the politics out of infrastructure investment and build a robust roadmap of infrastructure and project development. Confidence and the right approach are central to fuelling infrastructure success. As the Property Council argues, productive and timely infrastructure projects are key to building robust and contemporary economies. The right infrastructure can increase productivity, encourage investment, and build confidence in South Australia.

Smart SA: Tourism and the visitor economy


As Shakespeare said, “all the world’s a stage” and in this day and age, a city’s brand is inextricably linked to economic success and prosperity. But it’s time for us to turn our focus outwards, and to significantly ramp up our collective branding strategy to ensure that South Australia’s individuals, businesses and cities put their best brand forward.


Urban villages are a way to service smaller, denser population groups where people can live in close proximity to where they work. The villages design intends to reduce traffic congestion and commute times through enhancing transit use, as well as better servicing the needs of the local population with cultural and civic centres, retail and entertainment precincts, school and education services, as well as facilities for healthcare, child care and aged care.

Villages create a lifestyle in which you can get more of your life done around places that you can walk to — places where you can pop into the supermarket on the walk home from work, where you can wander leisurely to brunch on the weekend, and where the school drop-off is on the walk to the tram stop.


In order to support the population growth laid out in this report, an extensive tram network — north, south, east and west — should be constructed. The development of Adelaide’s tram network has been talked about for almost a decade now. And the most contentious debate is always which corridor to build first. This debate is the wrong one.

The value of the whole future tram network will be much more than the value of each corridor individually. Significant network benefits will flow from the service being truly extensive enough such that people can make different choices about how they live and travel.

An underground CBD train loop should be part of a public debate. Picture: AAP / Brenton Edwards
An underground CBD train loop should be part of a public debate. Picture: AAP / Brenton Edwards


Urban consolidation and expansion north and south over the next decade will necessitate continued investment in rail. In the first instance, the electrification of rail to Gawler remains a key priority to drive modal shift to public transport by improving vehicle speed, enable increased frequencies and enhancing passenger comfort. Toward the end of the decade, the expansion of Aldinga and areas around Gawler are likely to bolster the business case for rail extensions to service those communities. As we said in our earlier report, we believe that an underground (CBD train) loop should be a larger part of public debate.


The Central Market Arcade redevelopment isn’t — and shouldn’t be — a government infrastructure project. It’s a chance for the private sector to step up to the stage and partner with the Council to present the best they have to offer to Adelaide and the world.

Imagine what could be done above the site — whether that be luxury apartments or food and beverage research labs. Coupled with mixed-use precincts on the ground and basement levels and an expanded Central Market, the site has the potential to radically transform the Market District into a place ready for the future, while still retaining the authentic character of the Central Market as a food market at its core. A place that’s lively at night, with laneways like Market St and Field St active and full of people, alongside the new arcade and Victoria Square as the central hub of activity.

The Central Market has the potential to radically transform. Picture: SATC
The Central Market has the potential to radically transform. Picture: SATC


We also need to start thinking about the Riverbank as three separate, but integrated and unified precincts. The Health and Biomedical Precinct, together with the institutions along North Terrace and the Old Royal Adelaide Hospital site, provide significant potential. From heritage buildings to local attractions and sights, establishing North Terrace as a destination is critical in driving interest, investment and visitors.

As a city of ideas, we can continue to drive the impact of our universities and education sector both along North Terrace and beyond. And the Old Royal Adelaide Hospital site presents one of the most significant urban renewal opportunities in the history of South Australia.

The Moon Lantern Festival is one of many ways the prime land of the Riverbank can be used.
The Moon Lantern Festival is one of many ways the prime land of the Riverbank can be used.


There still remain significant opportunities for investment in and around the Health and Biomedical Precinct. For example, there will need to be enough short-stay accommodation to house proton therapy patients and their families for multi-week stays, as well as the relatives of patients visiting the nearby Royal Adelaide Hospital from regional South Australia.

Importantly, the Health and Biomedical Precinct still has room to grow — and, given that the first SAHMRI building is at capacity well ahead of schedule, there’s even potential for a third building nearby. This would not only cement the Precinct as world-leading, but would help to continue the work of researchers, clinicians and students in improving health outcomes for South Australians and people living across the world.

Significant opportunities remain for investment in the Health and Biomedical Precinct. Picture: AAP / James Elsby
Significant opportunities remain for investment in the Health and Biomedical Precinct. Picture: AAP / James Elsby


Situated on North Terrace are some of Adelaide’s most prestigious buildings. From Parliament House to the Art Gallery, Freemasons Hall and through to Ayers House: many of the buildings, and the institutions housed within them, are important in both a local and global context. But with the North Terrace redevelopment in the mid-2000s now a distant memory, it’s once again time to think about the opportunities presented by the precinct.

The North Terrace Cultural Precinct is, and should be, a destination in its own right. With a tramline to be running down its length by March 2018 and bookended by investment on either side, there’s now a significant opportunity at hand to reposition North Terrace as the core precinct of cultural activity in the city.


There is a strong pipeline of hotel developments in Adelaide, but we need to ensure that the developments actually go ahead and are finalised end-to-end. The tourism statistics paint a powerful picture. Total tourism expenditure has grown to a record $6.3 billion, up 4.9 per cent for the year to June 2017. South Australia attracted 6.2 million domestic overnight visitors, up 0.5 per cent and 435,000 international visitors, up 3.1 per cent on the prior year. There is significant opportunity to continue growing the visitor economy, but this is reliant on fulfilling and committing to the already established pipeline of infrastructure projects across the hotel sector in Adelaide. New hotel developments are key for South Australia to make the most of its burgeoning visitor economy, and to capitalise on the opportunities presented by redevelopments like the Adelaide Convention Centre and Adelaide Oval.

The extended Adelaide Convention Centre.
The extended Adelaide Convention Centre.


Adelaide Airport expects that recent trends in aircraft markets will increase the amount of international destinations with direct flights to and from Adelaide, and that the total movement of aircraft through the airport will grow at 3 per cent per annum. This will service a 5.4 per cent yearly increase in international passengers, including many international students and tourists.

Given the central role that the Airport plays in the state’s economic development, Adelaide Airport releases a master plan every five years so that stakeholders can have knowledge and confidence in the development of this vital infrastructure. The Airport’s Master Plan details a plan for how the airport will leverage private investment to drive its ongoing growth, as well as contribute to economic growth.

An artist's impression of the planned Adelaide Airport Hotel.
An artist's impression of the planned Adelaide Airport Hotel.


We need to fuse the worlds of digital and infrastructure. Both need to work hand-in-hand to ensure that there is far more connectivity between Adelaide, regional South Australia and the rest of the world. By having a strong digital infrastructure approach, businesses across South Australia can focus on putting customers first, while entrepreneurs can concentrate on their next idea rather than their download speed. There are a number of projects currently on the cards in South Australia — some of which are already in or close to operation, while others are still in earlier stages. Supporting digital projects is critical, as digital technologies can open up significant opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses to grow and innovate, as well as supporting larger, more established businesses to continue to mature.


There is an opportunity to position Adelaide as a quality destination for global medical services. Fundamentally, global medical services (often termed medical tourism) can be defined as the process of patients travelling abroad for medical care and procedures, usually because medical procedures are less available or less affordable in their own country.

It can range from health checks to more complex or longer stay procedures. Growing medical tourism can certainly be seen as an economic opportunity for the state — supported and brought to life through the right infrastructure, policies and regulatory developments.

Smart SA: Inside the 'Thinclab'


South Australia’s wine regions have a strong reputation both domestically and internationally. But we could be doing more to capitalise on these opportunities. We need to start thinking about how we can leverage our strengths in wine production to increase exports, attract more tourists and develop a stronger wine sector. In iconic wine destinations such as France, rail networks extend to wine growing regions, making them more accessible to tourists. We could do something similar.

South Australia’s north-south geography and existing networks means that public transport connections to the wine regions are possible, potentially through a combination of extended rail lines past Gawler and to Aldinga paired with a last-mile coach service, or if it were found to be commercially viable and acceptable to a range of parties, dedicated tourist services on existing regional corridors. Integrated transport to access our wine regions is crucial to attract further tourists, particularly free and independent travellers who seek a unique, self-directed experience rather than traditional tours.

We can do more to capitalise on our world-recognised wine regions.
We can do more to capitalise on our world-recognised wine regions.


Implementation of the Naval Shipbuilding Plan will result in significant employment opportunities for workers. From engineering and technical roles through to program management, procurement and commercial roles, it is clear that those opportunities will be diverse. The Government expects the naval shipbuilding workforce to grow to around 5,200 workers by the mid to late 2020s, but more than double that number will work in roles throughout the supply chain.

We need to ensure that South Australian businesses — particularly small and medium businesses — are aware of those opportunities throughout the supply chain, and have the capabilities to participate in this plan today and throughout the coming decades. While construction of the first future submarines may be some years away, the time for action is now. And small and medium businesses will play a critical role in the success of Australia’s defence industry.

Smart SA: The best defence is good research

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