
Your Say SA 2020 Vision: It’s time for South Australia to be bold

In overwhelming numbers, South Australians are demanding bold reforms, congestion-busting infrastructure and our politicians to step up, the Sunday Mail’s Your Say SA 2020 survey has found.

Your Say SA 2020: What do South Australians want?

Sweeping changes to create hi-tech jobs, unleash economic growth and build congestion-busting infrastructure are being demanded by a clear majority of South Australians, according to a major Sunday Mail survey.

In a challenge to political leaders, almost two-thirds of respondents to the Your Say SA 2020 Vision survey said bold changes were needed to improve SA people’s lives.

Asked to suggest at least one measure, respondents overwhelmingly urged economic rather than social changes.

These included slashing state taxes, infrastructure such as a high-speed train link to Murray Bridge and making the Torrens Riverbank a hive of restaurants and activities.

Strong support for bold change was consistent across age groups and regions for the 4303 respondents to the Your Say survey, which was conducted on late last year.

Overall, 63.7 per cent favoured bold change, 29.9 per cent preferred the current pace and 6.3 per cent wanted a slower rate.

Premier Steven Marshall seized on the survey results, arguing people had voted for change at the 2018 state election, while Opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas said people wanted change that delivered long-term prosperity and opportunity for all.

But billionaire property tycoon Con Makris urged state and federal governments to unleash a wave of spending to kickstart the flagging economy, saying record low interest rates were scaring people from opening their wallets because they were worried about the economy.

Mr Marshall said voters were now seeing a vibrant and dynamic state, with more jobs and opportunities for business in sectors such as defence, space, agriculture and education.

“The state has a new energy, more opportunities for families, and there is a real sense of entrepreneurship that I haven’t ever felt before. It’s an exciting time,” the Premier said.

Mr Malinauskas said SA had a history of nation-leading, even world-leading, changes, including giving women the right to vote, introducing anti-discrimination laws and spearheading renewable energy generation and storage technologies.

“South Australians want changes that deliver sustainable, secure jobs which are fairly renumerated. South Australians want changes which tackle climate change and grow our economy, such as investments in renewable energy,” the Opposition Leader said.

Mr Makris, who in 2016 blamed the state’s economy and small-town mentality for his decision to shift his company headquarters to Queensland, said people were frightened by record low interest rates, rather than encouraged to spend.

“This creates a big problem. The government has to open the purse to create jobs so people can spend,” said Mr Makris, who retains an Adelaide office and lives at Glenelg.

Sue and Lincoln Gabel with sons Zane and Nate at Bonython Park Playground. Picture: Tricia Watkinson
Sue and Lincoln Gabel with sons Zane and Nate at Bonython Park Playground. Picture: Tricia Watkinson

He preferred not to suggest government spending projects but said economic fears were crippling longstanding businesses like Harris Scarfe.

South Australian Freight Council executive officer Evan Knapp, who in July suggested a tunnel under the Springfield foothills to funnel trucks from the South Eastern Freeway to South Rd, said innovative ideas were needed if SA aspired to become a growth state.

“There’s a saying: ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got’,” Mr Knapp said.

“In order to break the cycle of consistently lower economic and population growth than the eastern states, South Australia needs to be willing to explore new, bold and innovative economic ideas.”

Property Council SA executive director Daniel Gannon urged the marketing of SA’s strengths, such as affordable property and competitive tax thresholds, coupled with injecting boldness into policy settings.

“South Australia can’t afford to stick with business as usual – we need bold policy change focused on jobs growth, economic development and productive infrastructure,” he said.

“If we fail to embrace an audacious policy shift, the gap between South Australia and our domestic counterparts will continue to expand.”

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