
Your five-minute guide to the 2019 SA State Budget

South Australia’s State Budget is big. And complicated. We’ve boiled it down to the key dot points you need to know.

SA announces modest budget surplus despite GST writedown

South Australia’s State Budget is big. And complicated. We’ve boiled it down to the key dot points you need to know.

Main points

■ $101m surplus in 2018/19 and projected $94m surplus in 2019/20

■ Debt of $13.5bn in 2018/19, rising to $16.71bn in 2019/20 and $18.15bn in 2020/21

■ Employment growth was 2.2 per cent in 2017/18 and is forecast to fall to 1.25 per cent in 2018/19 and 1 per cent thereafter across the forward estimates

■ Economic growth remaining flat at 2 per cent in 2018/19 and rising to 2.25 per cent by 2022/23


■ $16.9m land tax savings over three years by progressively reducing top tax rate on properties over $5m

■ Closing loopholes that have allowed property owners to use complex trusts to avoid paying land tax on multiple properties

■ Solid waste levy increase to $110 per tonne from July and to $140 from January 2020, raising $24.8m

■ $10.8m revenue increase via crackdown on those dodging paying payroll tax

Cost of living

■ A once-off 5 per cent increase to most fees and charges

■ Public transport fee increases limited to 2 per cent

■ $90m per year in ESL savings

■ $146m annual land tax relief

■ CTP premium on average car to be cut by up to $114 a year.


■ $11.9bn spend over forward estimates

■ $1.1bn eight-year regional road spend, including $250m to upgrade Princes Highway

■ $252m for final 10.5km stretch of North-South Corridor

■ $231m Torrens Rd, Ovingham level crossing

■ $150m towards Aboriginal and Cultures Art Gallery at Lot Fourteen


■ $550m for new Women’s and Children’s Hospital located next to the RAH, final build cost to be determined in 2019/20.

■ $69.1m over four years to reactivate the Repat, including $30m from the Federal Government.

■ $5m on a statewide eating disorder service at the Repat site

■ $95 million overspend by SA Health in 2018-19.


■ $26.8m in additional TAFE SA funding

■ $185.3 million for capital upgrades of schools across the state to facilitate the transition of Year 7 into high school by 2022.

■ $17.2 million to redevelop the Berri Senior Campus of Glossop High School and consolidate the school’s two campuses.

■ 1375 more teachers and support staff by 2023 to deal with an anticipated rise in enrolments.


■ $42.5m two-year maintenance and rebuild spend of Housing Trust properties, including 90 new homes.

■ Interest-free deposit bridging loan of up to $10,000 for low-income earners, available through HomeStart from September 1 for two years

■ Measures are expected to provide 120 houses for those struggling to get on property ladder

Law and order

■ $43.5m to purchase the Sir Samuel Way court building saving more than $6m a year

■ $2.1m for CT scanner for Forensic SA

■ Extra $1m to the DPP to prosecute complex criminal cases

■ $1.2m annual funding cut from 2020/21 to the Victims Support Service

■ $591,000 for electronic in-court document management system.

Police and emergency services

■ $9.5m over four years to counter-terrorism police squad

■ $4.3m over four years for new personal protective equipment for MFS firefighters

■ Estimated $1m in annual revenue via user pays system for police attendance at major events


■ $26.9m over three years to child protection

■ $5.5m to co-ordinate the State’s response to the Commonwealth Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

■ Extra $383,000 to continue the domestic violence disclosure scheme

■ $6.7m to support full transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme


■ $52.4m four-year investment to tackle coastal erosion

■ $11.8m for national parks, including $6m for the Heysen Trail

■ $12m over four years to help councils and waste management industry modernise, funded through increase in solid waste levy.


■ $25m shared federal, state and industry funded upgrade of SA’s dog fence

■ $7.5m for a red-meat and wool industry growth program

■ $14m to support construction of new Thomas Foods abattoir

■ $5m to protect horticulture industry against biosecurity threats and fight fruit-fly outbreaks


■ $43m into SA tourism marketing

■ An extra $10m a year from 2020/21 to market SA as a premier tourist destination

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