
West Torrens Council employees harassed, threatened and intimidated prompting campaign

More than half the workers at this council have experienced aggressive behaviour – including threats and property damage – while doing their job, prompting an SA-first response.

The West Torrens Council chambers on Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Mile End.
The West Torrens Council chambers on Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Mile End.

Council workers have been threatened, intimidated and even followed home by ratepayers in shocking cases of harassment, prompting a state-first campaign to stamp out the behaviour.

More than half of West Torrens Council employees say they have experienced aggressive behaviour, including personal threats and property damage, while doing their job.

West Torrens Mayor Michael Coxon said a recent survey of employees found nearly 60 per cent had experienced the behaviour, but only 27 per cent had reported it to their manager.

“We’ve seen an increase in aggressive, threatening and violent behaviour targeted at council employees by customers, residents, and other members of the public, which is a clear risk to their health and safety,” Mr Coxon said.

Mayor Michael Coxon. Picture: Matt Loxton
Mayor Michael Coxon. Picture: Matt Loxton

“We understand people can get frustrated at times, but there is absolutely no excuse for channelling that negativity towards someone who is doing their job and trying to assist.

“This isn’t just face-to-face behaviours – threatening and aggressive comments on our social media platforms, for example, are a significant issue that staff have to confront every day and dealing with these on a constant basis takes a toll on mental health and wellbeing.”

The council has launched ‘It Reflects ON YOU’ campaign to ask the community to pause and reflect how they interact with council workers.

The campaign will be rolled out on social media and advertising within council buildings and in the community and through direct communications to ratepayers.

The council’s customer contact team leader, Ana Tenink, said sadly front office members received abuse over the phone and in-person on a daily occurrence.

Council workers are bearing the brunt of some ratepayers' frustrations.
Council workers are bearing the brunt of some ratepayers' frustrations.

Ms Tenink said one resident was aggressive and threatening when asked for ID to prove he was a ratepayer before being given a free kitchen bin for compostable waste.

His behaviour led to a ban from all council buildings.

Local Government Minister Joe Szakacs MP, said no one should feel unsafe at work and it was unacceptable for anyone to be on the end of threatening behaviour while doing their job.

“I’m shocked and appalled that three in five council employees say they’ve been on the receiving end of these anti-social behaviours,” Mr Szakacs said.

“It’s not on, it’s not good enough, and we all need to do better to call these behaviours out.”

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