
App, newsletters, alerts: How to access everything from The Advertiser and customise your experience

You’ll never miss a headline with The Advertiser’s app, alert notifications and email newsletters. Here’s how you can get your trusted SA news at your fingertips.

How to use The Advertiser app

You’ll never miss the latest news headlines in South Australia with The Advertiser’s app, mobile alert notifications and email newsletters.

Here’s how you can keep up with our agenda-setting news, analysis and sport.


South Australia’s trusted source of news has been rebuilt from the ground up to be faster, smarter, less congested and more user-friendly.

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The Advertiser’s app is free to download with options to personalise your news feed, including selecting the topics you want to read about.

As a full digital subscriber, it includes quick access to Today’s Paper, the hugely popular digital replica of The Advertiser and Sunday Mail print editions, including all liftouts and magazines. Read more about the features of our app below.

To get our app, simply download from your Apple or Android app store.

If you’re not a subscriber, you can still download the app for free and enjoy some of our stories, but for full access to SA’s most comprehensive news source consider a subscription.



More about our app

You will need to subscribe to be able to access all of this great content. Whether you’re interested in breaking news, politics, sport, crime, entertainment or business, The Advertiser’s app has got you covered.

Live and latest: Get the news as it breaks, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, within the My News section.

Tailor your news feed: Within My News, you can tailor your news feed by selecting the sections you want to appear in the top nav menu, giving you easy access to your topics of interest. Crows or Power, crime or education, entertainment or business – it's your choice.

News alerts: Our digital editors hand-pick and send news alerts for major stories throughout the day, with a short summary that pops up automatically on your phone or tablet’s home screen. Just tap if you want to read the full story. You can customise the type of news alerts you want to receive in Settings within the app’s main menu.

Read Today’s Paper: Read The Advertiser and Sunday Mail anytime, anywhere with the digital replica of the paper, exactly as it’s printed. Access the past 14 back issues and your favourite liftouts like Escape, Body+Soul, Stellar, At Home and the Binge TV guide. Plus you can download and read offline later.

Podcasts: With one tap you’ll find dozens of our podcasts in a clean, easy to navigate space where you can listen immediately or download them for later.

Discover more: Get closer to the game with live AFL scores and expert analysis – or train your brain with daily interactive sudoku and quick and cryptic crossword puzzles.

Improved navigation: Tap between My News and Today’s Paper along the bottom of the app for quick access. Plus you can swipe between stories instead of going backwards and forwards like you do on the web. Customise your news alerts in the Settings menu, found within All Sections.

Setting up app alerts

Once you’ve downloaded our app, ensure you get the headlines as news happens by activating alerts. When news breaks, you’ll get a notification on your mobile or tablet device. Choose alerts to suit what you like to read by going to Menu > Settings > Notifications within the app.

Newsletters direct to your inbox

Readers can sign up here to get any of our free email newsletters to get the news you want delivered straight to your inbox.

Choose from a selection of interest areas like crime, food/wine/events, sport or business, or our popular Latest News & Alerts for a digest of top headlines to keep you informed throughout the day.

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