
Volunteer firefighters are expected to submit their concerns within the Country Fire Service to a Parliamentary Committee

A “significant number” of volunteer firefighters who previously feared they’d face repercussions are expected to submit their concerns to a Parliamentary Committee.

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A “significant number” of volunteer firefighters who previously feared they’d face repercussions for speaking out about issues within the Country Fire Service are expected to submit their concerns to a Parliamentary Committee.

Last October, The Advertiser revealed CFS volunteers feared they’d be suspended if they spoke out about issues within the organisation - including lack of resources in their brigades.

After numerous volunteers came forward with their stories, Liberal spokesmen Ben Hood and Adrian Pederick welcomed the chance for firefighters to make submissions to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation.

The committee, announced in March, will specifically assess support mechanisms available to volunteer firefighters and examine processes, procedures and timeliness of investigations into volunteer conduct.

Adrian Pedrick said numerous people who have expressed concerns to him will now be able to come forward and “do so without reprimand”.
Adrian Pedrick said numerous people who have expressed concerns to him will now be able to come forward and “do so without reprimand”.

It will also evaluate the communication channels and procedures within the CFS, “especially concerning volunteers’ ability to voice their concerns and the organisations’ responsiveness”.

Mr Pederick said the numerous people who have expressed concerns to him will now be able to come forward and “do so without reprimand”.

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“This is a great opportunity for past and current volunteers and staff to voice their experiences with the CFS in the spirit of improving the organisation,” Mr Pederick said.

“I have already heard from a number of volunteers about their experiences, and I hope to hear from many more through the committee.”

It comes after multiple sources within the organisation told The Advertiser they felt they were expected to risk their lives for their local communities, but faced the threat of suspension if they spoke out about the lack of support they received in return.

One firefighter, who asked to remain anonymous, said they had already been “dragged through hot coals” after speaking to the media about safety issues with equipment.

“When we decided enough was enough, I went to the media, and then I wasn’t even allowed to speak to my fellow volunteers, let alone speak about the CFS to anyone else,” he said.

The CFS, however, continuously denied members were being punished for going public with their concerns.

A Liberal spokesman said there is a “significant number” of people expected to come forward with their issues at the upcoming committee.

Mr Hood said he looked forward to working with his colleagues on the committee “as we hear directly from the CFS command, and, importantly, the volunteers themselves”.

“We want feedback on the current structures for volunteer support and the opportunities that may exist to strengthen that support for our brave CFS volunteers around the state,” Mr Hood said.

Minister for Emergency Services Dan Cregan said “the government has been working with the CFS and CFS Volunteers Association for some time to streamline the agency’s disciplinary process.”

“While the Opposition is now politicising the same issues it ignored for four years, the government is taking action through new regulations to improve outcomes for volunteers,” Mr Cregan said,

“Justice delayed is justice denied – our goal is to create a faster, fairer and simpler framework for everyone involved.”

Anyone who would like to provide a submission can email the Secretary o the Parliamentary Committee, Shane Hilton at or write to GPO Box 572, Adelaide SA 5001 by Friday, June 28.

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