
Tom’s Court medi-hotel could be used for emergency winter housing as hotel costs head towards record levels

The now-empty Covid medi-hotel in the CBD could be reused for another, much longer-lasting statewide emergency – as costs head toward record levels.

Inside a secret women's shelter

The public cost of emergency housing in hotel rooms for homeless South Australians, including women and children fleeing domestic violence, is forecast to blow out to record levels, figures show.

State parliament on Monday heard taxpayers will this year be billed up to $10.7 million, $550,000 of which is due to Covid housing problems.

SA Housing Authority data shows desperate people have sought emergency hotel accommodation 5311 times this financial year.

This compares with almost $10.4m in the past financial year for 4720 people, including $1.25m for at-risk shelters during lockdowns or Covid restrictions.

Taxpayers paid $8.7 million in 2019/20 for individuals, including $1.9m pandemic help.

“There was a significant jump in this over recent years,” Human Services Minister Nat Cook told MPs during a budget estimates hearing.

Tom's Court Hotel in Adelaide was used to house Covid patients during the height of the pandemic in SA, but could now be used for emergency winter housing. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Brenton Edwards
Tom's Court Hotel in Adelaide was used to house Covid patients during the height of the pandemic in SA, but could now be used for emergency winter housing. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Brenton Edwards

“I think there is absolutely an acknowledgment that Covid has played a part in the increase of that budget. It is too much, way too much and not good enough.”

Under questioning from Liberal MP Penny Pratt, Ms Cook revealed the currently empty SA Health-managed Tom’s Court medi-hotel, in the CBD, was being investigated as a possible winter emergency housing facility.

Ms Cook, who has come under Opposition pressure, revealed talks with Health Minster Chris Picton on how the Tom’s Court contract might be used for emergency shelter.

A review is also exploring more suitable shelter for women and children.

“The worst month is July, and this is one of the priorities,” she told MPs.

“Emergency accommodation, code blue … these were some of the first issues we’ve started to talk about. We’ll get there as soon as we can in the best possible … and the most appropriate way.”

Earlier, Ms Cook revealed 250 acute patients registered with the National Disability Insurance Agency were in hospital for mental or clinical help.

But 66 disabled patients had been stuck in hospital for at least 100 days after “falling foul” of NDIS discharge rules such as needing a home upgrade or poor access.

She said she had “robust conversations” with officials to fix the issue. “I cannot imagine what it must be like for someone who … already has a significant barrier to success because of disability, to then be stuck in hospital for weeks to months, unable to exit,” she said.

“It is absolutely a priority that we must make sure that people who are in hospital are those … who require the requisite acute levels of care.”

The Human Services department has been hit with a $25m budget cut but frontline services were protected.

Opposition spokeswoman Jing Lee said after the hearing: “These colossal cuts looming over the Department for Human Services are incredibly worrying.

“Concerningly, cuts to emergency and food relief, financial counselling, community centres, community youth justice and APY programs all remain on the table.

“As we grapple with a cost of living crisis, and more South Australians find themselves in vulnerable situations, it’s crucial those experiencing hardship have certainty and know the services they need aren’t hanging in the balance.”

Ms Cook said the cuts would occur through “operational efficiency measures, workforce restructuring, process improvements and office consolidation”.

Read related topics:Domestic violence

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