Teenager who took his own life in care of Families SA was subject of investigation into sexual abuse by foster carer
A TEENAGER who committed suicide in the care of Families SA three weeks ago had been the subject of a police investigation in to allegations of “serious” sexual abuse by a foster carer.
A TEENAGER who took his own life while in the care of Families SA three weeks ago had been the subject of a police investigation into allegations of serious sexual abuse by a foster carer, it can be revealed.
The father of Zhane Chilcott, 13, who killed himself on July 12, says his son’s death “could have been stopped” and as the case is now being investigated in a coronial inquest, he wants answers without delay.
“I want to know now, not next week or next month or in a year, so that we can start to grieve,” Keith Singpoo said.
Mr Singpoo exclusively told The Advertiser he had had no contact with the Education and Child Development Department since the night he was told of the death of his son.
He said he was visited at his Holden Hill home by two Families SA staff and informed that Zhane, who had just turned 13, had died by his own hand at a residence at Morphett Vale.
DECD issued a statement two days later about the death, acknowledging the tragic events and claiming its priority was “ … to ensure the family ... receives the support they need”.
“I’ve had heard nothing from them and it’s bloody disgusting,” a highly emotional Mr Singpoo told The Advertiser.
“I was so upset (hearing of his death) I asked them to come back in the morning but they didn’t and the number they gave me didn’t work,” he said.
“I don’t want anyone from Families SA to say sorry to me, I don’t want to hear it.
“This should have been stopped ... and it could have been stopped ... I don’t understand.”
“I want to know where, when and how Zhane died and see the room where he was living?,” he added.
“And what happened over the sexual abuse — is the mongrel (alleged abuser) locked up — I need to know?”
The Advertiser has sighted a department document, issued last year, informing Mr Singpoo that Zhane was at the centre of a police investigation into a “serious child protection matter”.
The document, dated July 16, 2015, states:
“DECD records show that Zhane was in a placement with his carer and has disclosed sexual abuse, which occurred during his time in this environment ... As this matter is currently a police matter we are unable to tell you any more at this stage …”
The letter is addressed to Mr Singpoo’s residence of 12 years but he claims — and it has not been contested by the department — that the first time he saw it was when it was handed to him at his house by a member of Families SA less than a month before his son’s tragic death.
The department effectively ignored a series of 13 specific questions from The Advertiser about the circumstances of Zhane’s death and the investigation of his alleged sexual abuse.
It said in a statement: “The death of any child is a cause of great sadness and this has been very deeply felt by those involved in his life.
“The circumstances around this tragic death will be fully examined by the Coroner and we won’t pre-empt that process.”
Mr Singpoo has made a Freedom of Information request with DECD.
He is estranged from Zhane’s mother, with whom he has five other children. It is understood Zhane was taken into care around 2006 as a toddler when in the care of his mother.
Family members who spoke with Zhane via his Facebook page the night before his death say they had no indication of what was to come.
“I want to be able to hug him and hold him and know about his last 24 hours,” Mr Singpoo said through tears.
“But nobody wants to talk to me and now I have to look at him dead through a glass window.”
With the co-operation of the Coroner, Mr Singpoo was last week permitted to view Zhane’s body and conduct a family funeral service at the coronial building in King William Street.
Looking peaceful, with his body wrapped in a white sheet, only Zhane’s face was visible behind a glass partition.
Three of Mr Singpoo’s other children — who all knew Zhane — attended the moving ceremony.
“Zhane will be missed by all his 17 brothers and sisters,” Mr Singpoo added.
“I want them (Families SA) to pay for the funeral, and I want some money for a foundation in his name so this doesn’t happen to anyone again.”
Zhane’s funeral will be held tomorrow at Port Augusta.
Police responded to a series of questions from The Advertiser with a statement that said: “We would like to assist you and Mr Chilcott-Singpoo but the death of Zane (sic) Chilcott is now a matter for the Coroner”.
It also cited “privacy principles”.
“We suggest Mr Chilcott-Sinpoo (sic) contacts the Coroner’s office who may be able to assist him with an update,” it said.
Anyone contemplating suicide or worried about someone should call Lifeline on 131114 or Beyondblue on 1300 224636.