1/12New designs for the proposed redevelopment of the Adelaide Casino have been released. Picture: SkyCity
SkyCity Adelaide casino redevelopment
New designs for the proposed redevelopment of the Adelaide Casino have been released.
2/12New designs for the proposed redevelopment of the Adelaide Casino have been released. Picture: SkyCity
3/12New designs for the proposed redevelopment of the Adelaide Casino have been released. Picture: SkyCity
4/12New designs for the proposed redevelopment of the Adelaide Casino have been released. Picture: SkyCity
5/12New designs for the proposed redevelopment of the Adelaide Casino have been released. Picture: SkyCity
6/12New designs for the proposed redevelopment of the Adelaide Casino have been released. Picture: SkyCity
7/12New designs for the proposed redevelopment of the Adelaide Casino have been released. Picture: SkyCity
8/12New designs for the proposed redevelopment of the Adelaide Casino have been released. Picture: SkyCity
9/12SKYCITY advances plans for major expansion of Adelaide Casino ADELAIDE CASINO EXPANSION PERSPECTIVE VIEW 3
10/12SKYCITY advances plans for major expansion of Adelaide Casino ADELAIDE CASINO EXPANSION PERSPECTIVE VIEW
11/12SKYCITY advances plans for major expansion of Adelaide Casino ADELAIDE CASINO EXPANSION PERSPECTIVE VIEW 3
12/12SKYCITY advances plans for major expansion of Adelaide Casino ADELAIDE CASINO EXPANSION PERSPECTIVE VIEW 3