
SA Attorney-General John Rau asks Supreme Court to indefinitely detain paedophile Philip Carey as an uncontrollable sex predator

THE infamous paedophile who dubbed his victims “pieces of meat” must be jailed indefinitely because he is an uncontrollable sex predator, a court has heard.

THE infamous paedophile who dubbed his victims “pieces of meat” must be jailed indefinitely because he is an uncontrollable sex predator, a court has heard.

Solicitors acting for Attorney-General John Rau have made an application, in the Supreme Court, for the indefinite detention of Philip Corlett Carey.

They asked the court order mental health assessment reports that they believed would confirm Carey, 82, is unwilling or incapable of controlling his sexual instincts.

Carey, who has used the surnames Teare and Cryer, and his record of child sex crimes dates back to 1961. That year, he was jailed for offending against prepubescent boys.

Carey served sentences for similar offences in 1969, 1973, 1979, 1984, 1994 – when he paid his victim $2 – and 1995.

He is notorious for having once referred to his victims as “pieces of meat” with no personality.

Carey was even chemically castrated in an attempt to curb his sexual instincts, without success.

In January 1999, he was arrested for approaching young boys in contravention of a paedophile restraining order – and subsequently changed his name.

Carey was jailed in 2007 for breaching his restraining order a further 47 times and, upon his parole, was charged with the child pornography offences.

He is in custody, having been jailed in March for possession of hundreds of perverted images on his home computer.

That case had a prolonged journey through the justice system, with Carey first admitting guilt and then attempting to change his plea.

He argued he had committed no offence because the children in the downloaded images were clothed, making them “safe” for him to view.

When he was refused permission to withdraw his plea, he claimed he had been searching for classical music when images of shirtless boys “appeared” on his computer.

Doctors have since claimed Carey no longer poses a threat of offending against young people – but only because he is too old and infirm to take physical action.

Lawyers for Carey said they did not oppose the reports being ordered but would contest Mr Rau’s application for their client’s indefinite detention.

Justice David Peek agreed to order the reports.

The case returns to court next month.

Lifetime of perversion

Name: Philip Corlett Carey, formerly Cryer, formerly Teare

Age: 82

1961: Convicted for the first time for offences against prepubescent boys.

1969 - 1995: Further convictions, including one for offending against a boy to whom he paid $2

November 1998: Placed on a paedophile restraining order.

January 1999: Admits to police he abused a boy he did not know, referring to the victim as “a piece of meat without a personality”.

February 1999: First SA paedophile to be jailed for breaching his restraining order – he had followed boys into a shopping centre’s toilets.

September 1999: Released from jail, changes his name to “Cryer”.

July 2000: Breaches order again by speaking to boys, despite his claim he was “looking at the sunset” with them.

2007: Jailed again for breaching his restraining order 47 times.

March 2013: Charged with possessing child pornography, now going under the new surname “Carey”.

June 2013: Pleads guilty, only to change his plea claiming the images found were “safe” because the children were clothed.

March 2014: Sentenced to 12 months’ jail.

Yesterday: Attorney-General John Rau applies for Carey to be declared an uncontrollable sex predator and detained indefinitely.

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