
Road crash victim 'to blame for own death, court told

A ROAD crash victim has been blamed for his own death, with a court hearing he crossed a T-junction at "a very slow speed".

A ROAD crash victim has been blamed for his own death, with a court hearing he crossed a T-junction at "a very slow speed".

In the District Court today, prosecutors dropped a charge of causing death by dangerous driving against Michael Ian White, 26, of Stockport.

They had previously alleged his driving resulted in the death of motorist Anthony Stebbing, 55, in a September 2010 crash at Blakeview.

White instead pleaded guilty to the lesser offence of driving without due care  leaving him liable to pay a maximum $2500 fine and serve a licence disqualification.

Today Geraldine Davison, SC, for White, said her client was not affected by drugs or alcohol at the time of the collision.

She admitted he was travelling at between 11km/h and 13km/h over the 60km/h speed limit  but said that did not cause the crash.

"He was confronted by Mr Stebbing's car turning right, across his path," she said.

"That T-junction is not regulated by a 'give way' sign but it was legally necessary for Mr Stebbing to give way to all oncoming traffic.

"He executed his right hand turn at a very slow speed... there's simply no explanation for why he failed to see my client's car."

Ms Davison asked White be discharged without further penalty.

She said the conviction would "automatically" result in disqualification due to demerit points.

Carmen Matteo, prosecuting, said a penalty was needed to deter White from driving poorly in the future.

She said he had a long history of road offences, including a prior conviction for driving without due care.

"The prosecution understands White has a physical disability that significantly reduces use of his left arm," she said.

"His learner's licence was made conditional on him having an automatic vehicle with a steering wheel spinner-knob... that condition was left off his provisional licence.

"He has taken advantage of that omission."

Judge Peter Brebner remanded White on bail for further submissions next month.


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