Rail, Tram and Bus Union SA launches campaign against privatisation plans
Angry train and tram drivers have launched a formal campaign against the privatisation of Adelaide services, as a shadow is cast over their future jobs.
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Angry train and tram drivers have today launched a formal campaign against State Government plans to privatise operations of the Adelaide services.
The campaign will involve a public petition, advertising and “ongoing actions to highlight the negative impacts of privatising tram and tram services”.
The Government is currently seeking offers from the private sector to take over daily operation of the tram system, including employment of drivers.
It is similar to how the bus system is currently operated, and train services are soon to follow suit. Drivers are expected to move from Government jobs to positions in the new private management company, but have not been given guarantees that jobs will be available or told what conditions they would have to work under.
Transport Minister Stephan Knoll has emphasised that no railway lines, stations or carriages will be sold under the move.
Rail, Tram and Bus Union SA Secretary Darren Phillips said workers would campaign all the way to the next state election if necessary.
“They (the Government) simply do not have a mandate for their reckless and damaging privatisation,” he said.
“The lack of transparency around this decision is absolutely appalling.
“Every dollar of taxpayer subsidy that goes to a private operator is another dollar taken out of the public transport system.”
Mr Knoll said delivering a better and more cost-effective service for consumers was central to the outsourcing move.
“This is a model that has worked around the country,” he said. “It’s a model that has worked here in Adelaide.
“We’re keen to bring it to trains and trams so that we can actually improve our public transport network and see more people use (it).”