

Premier Jay Weatherill, Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis abandon $370 million South Australia bank tax

PREMIER Jay Weatherill has dumped his Government’s contentious bank tax, conceding there is “no prospect” of success and promising not to resurrect it after next year’s election.

Australian Bankers' Association release new SA Bank Tax advertisement

PREMIER Jay Weatherill has dumped his Government’s contentious bank tax, conceding there is “no prospect” of success and promising not to resurrect it after next year’s election.

The surprise capitulation on Wednesday — announced amid reaction to the same-sex marriage survey result — was pilloried by the Opposition as “a major humiliation”.

It came after five months of brawling with banking and business leaders, and Opposition and crossbench MPs, who maintained the tax on five major banks would hurt the state. The vocal banking lobby will now drop an expensive advertising campaign against the tax, which warned it would stymie investment and increase costs for customers.

Mr Weatherill declared the measure was “dead” just before Upper House MPs again moved to block the Budget Measures Bill which was headed for deadlock negotiations.

Mr Weatherill vowed the tax would not be part of the Government’s election campaign, nor reintroduced if Labor was returned for a fifth consecutive term in March.

“It’s pointless to be advocating for a levy that necessarily forms part of your Budget strategy if it has uncertain prospects of success,” he said.

“For all intents and purposes the bank levy is dead.”

Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis will now have to rework the Budget to cover the loss of $370 million in extra revenue which would have been collected over four years.

Mr Weatherill promised a revision would be unveiled “shortly” and insisted he did not want to water down initiatives aimed at job creation.

Mr Koutsantonis is due to deliver his regular mid-year Budget update next month.

Other spending measures in the Budget, such as discounts for buying off-the-plan apartments and payroll tax concessions for small business could still be delivered without the approval of Parliament.

However, new laws would be needed to enact a proposal to raise revenue through a new foreign investor tax on houses.

There are only seven days left for MPs to debate legislation before the March election. The Government’s spectacular change of heart was welcomed by its opponents including Business SA, the Business Council of Australia and the Australian Bankers Association (ABA).

Opposition Leader Steven Marshall accused the Government of “hiding” the backdown “under the cover” of the same-sex marriage survey announcement.

“Ultimately, South Australians knew that they would have ended up paying for Labor’s massive new tax. It wasn’t going to create one single job,” Mr Marshall said.

“What (voters) need to be very wary of at the next election is what Jay Weatherill and Tom Koutsantonis are going to dream up next. Historically, they always look to increase taxes and the burden on the people of South Australia.”

The Budget Measures Bill, which had been blocked by a coalition of Liberal, Australian Conservative and Advance SA MPs, also includes promised tax cuts for small business and off-the-plan apartment discounts which are now in limbo.

Mr Koutsantonis previously threatened to withhold small business tax cuts of up to $9000 if the bank levy was blocked, but Mr Weatherill was more circumspect on Wednesday, insisting no decision had been made.

Mr Koutsantonis denied the about-face was embarrassing for the Government.

“We tried and the hallmark of this Government is that we do try,” he said. “It can’t pass (Parliament). There is no prospect of this policy ever getting up so it is dead.”

Polling commissioned by the ABA over recent months found many voters were opposed to the tax. An August poll of 2100 people, conducted by Galaxy in seven marginal seats, found 52 per cent were opposed, while 34 per cent were in favour.

ABA chief executive Anna Bligh said the dumping was a “great victory” for South Australia and business owners.

“The decision will provide them with a greater level of confidence and certainty which is vital for business,” Ms Bligh said. “The banks are relieved that the tax has been dropped and particularly welcome the Premier’s commitment it will not feature in his election platform or reintroduce it if he wins another term.”

Banks slam SA budget levy hit

Business SA chief executive Nigel McBride heralded the announcement as a “victory for common sense”.

Bank SA chief executive Nick Reade has brawled publicly with Mr Koutsantonis since the tax was announced but said the dumping meant his organisation could return to “working collaboratively” with the Government.

“Bank SA is a major employer and proud supporter of this state and we commend the Government’s decision,” he said.

Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott said the tax had “threatened to sap investment and jobs from a state with persistently weak economic growth and an unemployment rate of 5.8 per cent, already above the national average”.

Mr Darley said the Government had “at long last ... admitted it was a bad idea”.

Mr Hood said the bank tax was “a tax that SA simply didn’t need”. “Governments need to understand that the key to unlocking growth is by reducing taxes on business and households not increasing them,’’ he said.

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