
Port River dolphins Twinkle and Doc feared dead as wildlife group AMWRRO fights for right to lead rescue operations

A desperate search for two sick Port River dolphins has highlighted how red tape is causing conflict between rangers and volunteers over the care of injured wildlife.

Port River Dolphin Marianna 2005-2020

The founder and director of a volunteer marine rescue group is angry about the treatment of dolphins in the Port River, saying red tape is putting their lives at risk.

Aaron Machado campaigned for the establishment of the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary more than a decade ago – something he regrets because the National Parks and Wildlife Service is now in charge.

His group, the Australian Marine Wildlife Research & Rescue Organisation (AMWRRO) is based at a facility at Torrens Island.

But the group’s vets and volunteers are not allowed to help dolphins in the sanctuary unless a park ranger is present, or the park’s director has authorised the intervention. It makes any emergency rescue operation near impossible.

It’s a great shame, Mr Machado said, because his organisation evolved out of Project Dolphin Safe, which began patrolling the Port River estuary in 1998.

“We were out there saying to the state government and (then) Minister Hill, we need the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary, we need rangers,” he said.

“What I wasn’t expecting was for the Act to inhibit my ability moving forward to rescue these animals and the animals are suffering as a consequence, to be plain.”

Founder and director of the Australian Marine Wildlife Research & Rescue Organisation, Aaron Machado, in the facility at Torrens Island with a subantarctic fur seal. Picture: Dean Martin
Founder and director of the Australian Marine Wildlife Research & Rescue Organisation, Aaron Machado, in the facility at Torrens Island with a subantarctic fur seal. Picture: Dean Martin

Port River Dolphin Watch volunteer Jenni Wyrsta believes the dolphins need all the help they can get and has been lobbying government to restore the relationship with AMWRRO.

She is distraught after recent dolphin deaths and several botched attempts to assist the much-loved Doc, before he was finally freed from fishing tackle. Doc and another damaged dolphin, Twinkle, have now gone missing. Doc hasn’t been seen for 11 days.

“Every time a dolphin gets sick, they’re not being given treatment,” she said.

“We don’t understand it and we’re so angry about it, because these dolphins would still be with us, they’d be well, they’d have overcome, you know, what they’re dealing with.

“But they’re gone. And the thing is, the population of the dolphins here in the sanctuary is in a very steep decline. I mean we’re losing them fast, we now only have one adult female who produces healthy babies. Now that’s one baby every four years, and yet we’re losing so many dolphins. In about five years, they’re all going to be gone.”

On Wednesday morning she watched Twinkle sick, hungry and listless, circling and keeling over before he drifted away on the tide.

Port River dolphin Twinkle, looking very thin on July 5, 2021. Picture: Jenni Wyrsta
Port River dolphin Twinkle, looking very thin on July 5, 2021. Picture: Jenni Wyrsta

Ms Wyrsta is convinced both Doc and Twinkle fell ill after becoming entangled in fishing line and hooks. In each case the line and hooks were removed, but no antibiotics or supplements were provided and the dolphins gradually deteriorated.

“So it’s time to step up, with looking after them better. It’s time that these dolphins are given treatment,” Ms Wyrsta said.

“And really, it’s time to let AMWRRO take over all injuries, all sickness, all entanglements, because Aaron’s got the experience. He’s got the knowledge, he’s got the resources. And he’s right here. So, he’s the one who should be given permission of the Minister to say yes, you can step in and look after the care of these dolphins.”

The Department for Environment and Water is the Government’s lead agency responsible for marine mammal protection and welfare under both the National Parks and Wildlife Act and the Animal Welfare Act, conservation and wildlife director Lisien Loan said.

“Antibiotics were not administered as they were not considered required in Doc’s case, the removal of the fishing hooks went well and the team examined him closely to assess what the best step was,” she said.

“Antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections, and should be used only when truly required. Adding antibiotics into a wild system is not an action that should be taken lightly, particularly as a single dose is likely to prove ineffective and a full course would require confinement and multiple handling episodes for a wild animal.

“This was the decision of the vet present and conducting the assessment and disentanglement procedure, it is also in line with our minimal intervention policy as to administer a course of antibiotics would likely require repeated capture and confinement.”

She said experienced wildlife vets were both consulted and involved in the case.

It is hoped the vet report and sample results, yet to be received, will build a better picture of Doc’s state of health help inform decisions about any steps to be taken in future.

“Since his recent disentanglement, ‘Doc’ has not been seen in the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary, but local dolphins are also known to move up and down the metropolitan coastline and not exclusively reside within the ADS zone,” she said.

Port River dolphin Twinkle, prior to injury. Picture: Jenni Wyrsta.
Port River dolphin Twinkle, prior to injury. Picture: Jenni Wyrsta.

Ms Loan acknowledged the “wild dolphin known as ‘Twinkle’, may currently be in poor health”.

She said rangers and volunteers conducted an intensive search on Wednesday but were unable to locate him. The search resumed on Thursday.

“Expert advice on his condition is also being sought from an Adelaide Zoo vet,” Ms Loan said.

Ms Loan said the rangers were “highly experienced professionals, authorised to protect the health of marine animals”.

“Dolphins are a protected wild species, as such, we will only intervene where absolutely necessary and where the intervention is of clear benefit to the health of the animal,” she said.

“Where appropriate, the Department works alongside third party organisations and seeks independent veterinary and wildlife advice when needed from local, interstate and overseas sources.”

The Port River dolphin Twinkle was injured in March, 2021. Scratches are visible around his blowhole and part of his mandible was missing. Picture: Jenni Wyrsta
The Port River dolphin Twinkle was injured in March, 2021. Scratches are visible around his blowhole and part of his mandible was missing. Picture: Jenni Wyrsta

State opposition environment spokeswoman and local MP Susan Close said she raised the issue of live baiting in the Sanctuary with Environment Minister David Speirs back in December 2019 but did not receive a reply until February this year, “in which he said that he had asked the department to look into the way to manage live bait fishing in the Dolphin Sanctuary and that the community would be consulted”.

“I have seen no evidence of any such consultation with my community,” she said.

“I remain concerned that live-bait fishing should be better managed as dolphins can become dependent on getting their food this way, and can get hooks in their mouths when taking the bait off hooks.

“I urge the Minister to take this issue more seriously – the despair of volunteers and rangers you describe would be largely avoided if he acted.”

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