
Parents warned to check play equipment after vandals target Pedare Village Reserve

Someone set out to intentionally hurt a child when they attached sharp spikes to part of a popular playground, an angry local MP says.

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Parents are being warned to check equipment at playgrounds, after a metal fork was found deliberately attached to a play car in a Wynn Vale reserve.

A resident contacted Labor MP Blair Boyer’s office yesterday to report they had found a two-pronged fork sticking out the steering wheel of a pretend car at Pedare Village Reserve.

The steering wheel on the play car that the fork was attached to. Picture: Supplied
The steering wheel on the play car that the fork was attached to. Picture: Supplied
Vandals appeared to have tried to melt the fork to the playground equipment. Picture: Supplied
Vandals appeared to have tried to melt the fork to the playground equipment. Picture: Supplied

Mr Boyer said as the parent of three young girls, “literally a shiver went down my spine” when he learnt of the vandalism.

“It was shocking and I tried to reconcile in my head that it was not what it looked like it was, but there is no way of sugar coating it,” Mr Boyer said.

Member for Wright, Blair Boyer. Picture: Morgan Sette
Member for Wright, Blair Boyer. Picture: Morgan Sette

He said the vandals had tried to melt the fork to the steering wheel, to deliberately try to harm a child playing on the Sherry Court equipment.

“Sadly, some people in our community get a kick out of this,” Mr Boyer said.

“Parents would be shocked that this could happen in our community.”

Mr Boyer warned parents to “be careful, be vigilant” when visiting local parks.

“But I certainly hope this doesn’t stop parents going out and using the fantastic play equipment we have in our community,” he said.

He warned the vandals the community was now on “high alert” for this type of behaviour.

My Boyer has reported the incident to SAPOL and Tea Tree Gully Council.

A Tea Tree Gully spokesperson said the council was “horrified” that someone had intentionally tried to cause harm to the youngest members of its community.

“This type of anti-social behaviour has no place in our playgrounds and parks,” they said.

They said council staff had since inspected the playground and made some minor repairs.

“While we inspect our playgrounds weekly, we do encourage all parents and carers to be vigilant when using our public spaces and to report any damage or vandalism to council,” they said.

“We hope this is an isolated incident and we will be keeping a close on eye on our playgrounds in the Wynn Vale area.”

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