
Outgoing Child Protection Department boss Cathy Taylor’s new public service role

Cathy Taylor will head to Queensland for a key new public service role, almost two months after announcing her resignation.

SA child protection boss responds to scathing report (7NEWS)

Outgoing Department of Child Protection boss Cathy Taylor is set to start a major new role in Queensland after her upcoming resignation date.

Ms Taylor will oversee the implementation of the Queensland government’s response to a review and investigation into how police handle domestic and family violence.

Ms Taylor will begin the role shortly as Independent Implementation Supervisor, ABC Radio Adelaide reported on Tuesday morning.

Cathy Taylor will officially resign on April 28. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Emma Brasier
Cathy Taylor will officially resign on April 28. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Emma Brasier

According to the Government News website, Ms Taylor has been appointed for a minimum of two years and will have to report biannually on whether objectives are being achieved and the ways in which the recommendations are being implemented.

The website also reported that Ms Taylor had over 20 years of experience with a public service in Queensland and South Australia.

On January 20, Ms Taylor advised Premier Peter Malinauskas of her resignation. It followed The Advertiser’s Save Our Kids campaign that revealed almost 60 children, known to the department, had died in the past four years.

Erma Ranieri, Commissioner for Public Sector Employment, said she understood Ms Taylor would remain in her current position until the agreed resignation date.

“I haven’t heard anything otherwise,” she said.

Ms Ranieri confirmed the department had received 68 applications for Ms Taylor’s former role – with the 10 strongest candidates short-listed for interviews.

“I think we have a fairly good mix of people,” she said.

Ms Taylor advised the Premier of her resignation in January. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Emma Brasier
Ms Taylor advised the Premier of her resignation in January. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Emma Brasier

The commissioner confirmed that the search for the perfect candidate had gone international.

The candidates will be short-listed on Wednesday with interviews taking place on April 5 and 6.

Ms Ranieri said would have someone to fill the position ahead of time, with someone lined up to temporarily act in their position if needed.

“I think we’ve managed to attract the right candidates,” she said.

Read related topics:Save Our Kids

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