
Offence for meddling in Freedom of Information included in long-awaited reform package to be introduced to State Parliament

Freedom of Information reforms that include an offence for meddling in the release of documents and making disclosure the top priority will be introduced to Parliament.

Your right to know: Six reforms Australia needs right now

Long-awaited Freedom of Information reforms that include an offence for meddling in the release of documents, as well as making disclosure the top priority, have been introduced to State Parliament.

Attorney-General Vickie Chapman told The Advertiser the rewrite – a key plank in Premier Steven Marshall’s election pledge of open government – would ensure the public had access to important information about decision-making processes.

“These are changes that significantly enhance our Freedom of Information laws by strengthening our checks and balances, promoting the release of information and ensuring agencies have adequate time to deal with applications,” Ms Chapman said.

“It’s a win for democracy and will ensure the public have greater access to information.”

Journalists, opposition parties and other government watchdogs have long complained that SA’s FoI laws unreasonably favour secrecy.

Key changes in Ms Chapman’s new package include:

AN OFFENCE of improperly directing or influencing a decision under the Act.

FORCING proactive disclosure processes and the release of disclosure logs.

MAKING reviews available in cases where documents cannot be found.

INCLUDING electronic communications and electronic information management and storage methods.

EXTENDING the time for agencies to deal with requests from 30 to 45 days to avoid automatic rulings of refusal after just one month.

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